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Issues in Open Gauquelin database

Issues are potential individual problematic cases
Current page shows 2328 issues identified (and needing a resolution) in the Open Gauquelin database.
Person Cy Ids Related
wiki project
Joseph Abadie
1873-12-15 06:00
g55 01-1
lerrcp A2-1
muller M5-3
Fix date
Issue unique id: abadie-joseph-1873-12-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1873-12-15 16:00
A2: 1873-12-15 06:00
Jules Abadie
1876-08-12 03:00
g55 01-2
lerrcp A2-2
muller M5-2
Fix date
Issue unique id: abadie-jules-1876-08-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-08-12 23:00
A2: 1876-08-12 03:00
Michel Abaut
1849-10-13 21:56
g55 04-1
lerrcp A3-1
Fix date
Issue unique id: abaut-michel-1849-10-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1849-10-13 22:00
A3: 1849-10-13 21:56
Robert Accard
1897-11-26 22:00
cfepp CF-422
cpara CP-2
ertel ES-10
g55 03-217
lerrcp A1-1245
Fix date
Issue unique id: accard-robert-1897-11-26--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1897-11-26 21:50:40 for g5 ES-10
1897-11-26 21:51 for CFEPP 422
Adorno de Tscharner
1829-09-23 22:00
g55 04-10
lerrcp A3-11
Fix date
Issue unique id: adorno-de-tscharner-1829-09-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1829-09-29 22:00
A3: 1829-09-23 22:00
Colette Aitelli
1932-03-03 19:00
cfepp CF-4
ertel ES-37
Fix date
Issue unique id: aitelli-colette-1932-08-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1932-08-03 for g5 ES-37
1932-03-03 19:00 for CFEPP 4
Theophile Alajouanine
1890-06-12 00:30
g55 02-6
lerrcp A2-5
muller M5-6
Fix date
Issue unique id: alajouanine-theophile-1890-06-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1890-06-12 10:30
A2: 1890-06-12 00:30
Gustave Alaux
1887-08-21 09:55:17
g55 05-244
lerrcp A4-10
Fix date
Issue unique id: alaux-gustave-1887-08-21--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1887-08-21 10:00
A4: 1887-08-21 09:55:17
Marie-Francois Alaux
1878-10-11 02:55:17
g55 05-243
lerrcp A4-11
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-11-1878-10-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1878-10-11 03:00
A4: 1878-10-11 02:55:17
Peppino Albani
ertel ES-46
Fix date
Issue unique id: albani-giuseppe-1921-04-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date comes from the internet, and must be checked.
Paul Albert
1810-01-23 00:00
g55 01-4
lerrcp A2-6
muller M5-7
Fix date
Issue unique id: albert-paul-1810-01-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1810-01-23 10:00
A2: 1810-01-23 00:00
Rino Alessi
muller M1-100-5
Italian writers
Issue unique id: alessi-rino-1885-04-30--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Pierre Alleene
1909-07-20 19:30
cfepp CF-604
ertel ES-63
lerrcp A1-1711
Fix date
Issue unique id: alleene-pierre-1909-07-19--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1909-07-19 19:20:40 for g5 ES-63
1909-07-20 19:21 for CFEPP 604
Pierre Alleene
1909-07-20 19:30
cfepp CF-604
ertel ES-63
lerrcp A1-1711
Fix date
Issue unique id: alleene-pierre-1909-07-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1909-07-19 19:30 for g5 ES-63
1909-07-20 19:30 for CFEPP 604
Claudio Allori
muller M1-100-9
Italian writers
Issue unique id: allori-claudio-1898-03-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
François Aloy
1866-08-26 01:00
g55 01-5
lerrcp A2-8
muller M5-9
Fix date
Issue unique id: aloy-francois-1866-08-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1866-08-26 21:00
A2: 1866-08-26 01:00
Corrado Altavilla
muller M1-100-10
Italian writers
Issue unique id: altavilla-corrado-1897-11-06--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Robert Altmayer
1875-07-30 20:55:17
g55 04-19
lerrcp A3-20
Fix date
Issue unique id: altmayer-robert-1875-07-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1875-07-30 21:00
A3: 1875-07-30 20:55:17
Henri Amand
1873-09-17 13:00
cfepp CF-794
cpara CP-8
ertel ES-74
lerrcp A1-1807
Fix date
Issue unique id: amand-henri-1873-09-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1873-09-17 12:50:40 for g5 ES-74
1873-09-17 12:51 for CFEPP 794
Léon Ambard
1876-02-16 14:00
g55 01-6
lerrcp A2-9
muller M5-10
Fix date
Issue unique id: ambard-leon-1876-02-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-12-16 14:00
A2: 1876-02-16 14:00
Alfred Frédéric Ameil
1810-11-08 03:10
g55 04-27
lerrcp A3-25
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-25-1810-11-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1810-11-08 03:15
A3: 1810-11-08 03:10
Jean-Baptiste Amestoy
1936-08-28 12:00
cfepp CF-795
ertel ES-80
Fix date
Issue unique id: amestoy-jean-baptiste-1935-08-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1935-08-28 for g5 ES-80
1936-08-28 12:00 for CFEPP 795
Ambroise Andouard
1839-03-30 09:00
g55 01-8
lerrcp A2-11
muller M5-13
Fix date
Issue unique id: andouard-ambroise-1839-03-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1839-03-30 01:00
A2: 1839-03-30 09:00
Georges Andre
1889-02-08 03:00
cfepp CF-6
cpara CP-10
ertel ES-90
lerrcp A1-2
Fix date
Issue unique id: andre-georges-1889-08-13--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1889-08-13 12:30 for g5 ES-90
1889-02-08 03:00 for CFEPP 6
Georges Andre
1889-02-08 03:00
cfepp CF-6
cpara CP-10
ertel ES-90
lerrcp A1-2
Fix date
Issue unique id: andre-georges-1889-08-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1889-08-13 12:20:40 for g5 ES-90
1889-02-08 02:51 for CFEPP 6
Emile Anthoine
1882-06-09 21:00
cfepp CF-7
cpara CP-15
ertel ES-111
lerrcp A1-1752
Fix date
Issue unique id: anthoine-emile-1882-06-09--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1882-06-09 20:50:40 for g5 ES-111
1882-06-09 20:51 for CFEPP 7
Edoardo Anton
muller M1-100-16
Italian writers
Issue unique id: anton-edoardo-1910-01-07--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Umbro Apollonio
muller M1-100-17
Italian writers
Issue unique id: apollonio-umbro-1911-04-20--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Vinicio Araldi
muller M1-100-19
Italian writers
Issue unique id: araldi-vinicio-1914-12-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Maurice Archambaud
1908-08-30 05:00
cfepp CF-271
cpara CP-16
ertel ES-127
lerrcp A1-774
Fix date
Issue unique id: archambaud-maurice-1908-08-30--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1908-08-30 04:50:40 for g5 ES-127
1908-08-30 04:51 for CFEPP 271
Giovanni Arcieri
muller M1-100-20
Italian writers
Issue unique id: arcieri-giovanni-1898-06-24--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Fernand Arloing
1876-02-28 13:00
g55 01-10
lerrcp A2-13
muller M5-16
Fix date
Issue unique id: arloing-fernand-1876-02-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-02-28 03:00
A2: 1876-02-28 13:00
Jean Aste
1864-08-30 18:04:40
g55 05-254
lerrcp A4-28
Fix date
Issue unique id: aste-jean-1864-08-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1864-08-30 18:00
A4: 1864-08-30 18:04:40
Eugène Attel
1857-06-30 04:01
g55 04-48
lerrcp A3-58
Fix date
Issue unique id: attel-eugene-1857-06-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1857-06-30 04:00
A3: 1857-06-30 04:01
Maurice Charles Aubry
1904-04-06 05:00
lerrcp E1-45
muller M5-31
Fix date
Issue unique id: aubry-maurice-charles-1899-04-06--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1899-04-06 for Gauquelin E1-45
1904-04-06 for Müller M5-31
François Auge
1873-07-27 22:56:12
g55 04-59
lerrcp A3-71
Fix date
Issue unique id: auge-francois-1873-07-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1873-07-27 23:00
A3: 1873-07-27 22:56:12
Aurelles Paladines Louis
1804-01-09 12:00
g55 04-61
lerrcp A3-74
Fix date
Issue unique id: aurelles-paladines-louis-1804-01-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-01-14 11:00
A3: 1804-01-09 12:00
René Avelot
1871-12-01 11:30
g55 04-63
lerrcp A3-79
Fix date
Issue unique id: avelot-rene-1871-12-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1871-12-01 14:30
A3: 1871-12-01 11:30
Joseph Averous
1870-12-25 09:13:27
g55 02-21
lerrcp A2-773
Fix date
Issue unique id: averous-joseph-1870-12-25--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1870-12-25 09:15
A2: 1870-12-25 09:13:27
Alfredo Baccelli
muller M1-100-25
Italian writers
Issue unique id: baccelli-alfredo-1863-09-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Ezio Bacino
muller M1-100-28
Italian writers
Issue unique id: bacino-ezio-1913-06-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Victor Bahier
1916-03-05 01:00
g55 04-599
lerrcp A3-86
Fix date
Issue unique id: bahier-victor-1916-03-05--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1916-08-05 01:00
A3: 1916-03-05 01:00
Marcel Bailette
1904-10-12 17:00
cfepp CF-801
cpara CP-21
ertel ES-196
g55 03-367
lerrcp A1-1810
Fix date
Issue unique id: bailette-marcel-1904-10-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1904-10-12 10:00
A1: 1904-10-12 17:00
Marcel Bailette
1904-10-12 17:00
cfepp CF-801
cpara CP-21
ertel ES-196
g55 03-367
lerrcp A1-1810
Fix date
Issue unique id: bailette-marcel-1904-10-12--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1904-10-12 10:00 for g5 ES-196
1904-10-12 17:00 for CFEPP 801
Marcel Bailette
1904-10-12 17:00
cfepp CF-801
cpara CP-21
ertel ES-196
g55 03-367
lerrcp A1-1810
Fix date
Issue unique id: bailette-marcel-1904-10-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-10-12 09:50:40 for g5 ES-196
1904-10-12 16:51 for CFEPP 801
Casimir Baillet
1820-09-10 16:00
g55 01-23
lerrcp A2-28
muller M5-39
Fix date
Issue unique id: baillet-casimir-1820-09-10--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1820-09-10 10:00
A2: 1820-09-10 16:00
Antonio Baldini
muller M1-100-30
Italian writers
Issue unique id: baldini-antonio-1889-10-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Victor Ball
1873-06-08 00:55:34
g55 02-27
lerrcp A2-779
Fix date
Issue unique id: ball-victor-1873-06-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1873-06-08 01:00
A2: 1873-06-08 00:55:34
Balny Avricourt Adrien
1849-06-11 17:03:40
g55 04-79
lerrcp A3-98
Fix date
Issue unique id: balny-avricourt-adrien-1849-06-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1849-06-11 17:00
A3: 1849-06-11 17:03:40
Casimir Balthasar
1811-11-04 23:14:31
g55 05-268
lerrcp A4-48
Fix date
Issue unique id: balthasar-casimir-1811-11-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1811-11-04 23:15
A4: 1811-11-04 23:14:31
Dominique Baratelli
1947-12-26 07:00
cfepp CF-428
ertel ES-233
lerrcp D6-433
Fix date
Issue unique id: baratelli-dominique-1938-12-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1938-12-05 14:15 for g5 ES-233
1947-12-26 07:00 for CFEPP 428
Albert Baratier
1864-07-11 06:44:57
g55 04-84
lerrcp A3-103
Fix date
Issue unique id: baratier-albert-1864-07-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1864-07-11 06:45
A3: 1864-07-11 06:44:57
Jan Barberin
1847-11-09 04:55:22
g55 04-90
lerrcp A3-109
Fix date
Issue unique id: barberin-jan-1847-11-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1847-11-09 05:00
A3: 1847-11-09 04:55:22
François Barbier
1848-03-02 07:03:17
g55 09-5
lerrcp A2-2559
Fix date
Issue unique id: barbier-francois-1848-03-02--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1848-03-02 07:00
A2: 1848-03-02 07:03:17
Marcel Baril
1905-11-13 13:00
cfepp CF-605
ertel ES-246
g55 03-355
lerrcp A1-1712
Fix date
Issue unique id: baril-marcel-1905-11-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1905-11-13 12:50:40 for g5 ES-246
1905-11-13 12:51 for CFEPP 605
Marcel Basire
1869-03-01 15:00
g55 04-109
lerrcp A3-131
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-131-1869-03-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1869-02-29 15:00
A3: 1869-03-01 15:00
Jules Battesti
1858-04-06 09:56:11
g55 04-114
lerrcp A3-136
Fix date
Issue unique id: battesti-jules-1858-04-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1858-04-06 10:00
A3: 1858-04-06 09:56:11
Paul Battet
1855-05-01 13:03:33
g55 04-115
lerrcp A3-137
Fix date
Issue unique id: battet-paul-1855-05-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1855-05-01 13:00
A3: 1855-05-01 13:03:33
Paul Batteux
1870-06-15 06:45:32
g55 04-116
lerrcp A3-139
Fix date
Issue unique id: batteux-paul-1870-06-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1870-06-15 07:00
A3: 1870-06-15 06:45:32
Georges Baudoin
1854-09-11 01:00
g55 02-36
lerrcp A2-788
Fix date
Issue unique id: baudoin-georges-1854-09-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1854-09-11 04:00
A2: 1854-09-11 01:00
Robert Baulon
1930-10-22 10:00
cfepp CF-805
cpara CP-33
ertel ES-288
lerrcp A1-1817
Fix date
Issue unique id: baulon-robert-1930-10-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1930-10-21 10:00 for g5 ES-288
1930-10-22 10:00 for CFEPP 805
Robert Baulon
1930-10-22 10:00
cfepp CF-805
cpara CP-33
ertel ES-288
lerrcp A1-1817
Fix date
Issue unique id: baulon-robert-1930-10-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1930-10-21 10:00 for g5 ES-288
1930-10-22 10:00 for CFEPP 805
Georges Bayrou
1883-12-21 01:00
cfepp CF-433
cpara CP-34
ertel ES-294
lerrcp A1-1255
Fix date
Issue unique id: bayrou-georges-1883-12-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1883-12-21 12:44:28 for g5 ES-294
1883-12-21 00:45 for CFEPP 433
Georges Bayrou
1883-12-21 01:00
cfepp CF-433
cpara CP-34
ertel ES-294
lerrcp A1-1255
Fix date
Issue unique id: bayrou-georges-1883-12-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1883-12-21 13:00 for g5 ES-294
1883-12-21 01:00 for CFEPP 433
Pierre Bazy
1853-03-28 02:00
g55 01-40
lerrcp A2-48
muller M5-67
Fix date
Issue unique id: bazy-pierre-1853-03-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1853-03-28 . 2:00
A2: 1853-03-28 02:00
Adolphe Beaufrere
1876-03-24 20:50
g55 05-286
lerrcp A4-71
Fix date
Issue unique id: beaufrere-adolphe-1876-03-24--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-03-24 20:45
A4: 1876-03-24 20:50
Marcel Beaumais
1929-01-20 16:00
ertel ES-299
g55 03-477
lerrcp A1-573
Fix date
Issue unique id: beaumais-marcel-1929-01-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1929-01-20 08:00
A1: 1929-01-20 16:00
Louis Beguet
1894-12-07 09:00
cfepp CF-807
cpara CP-35
ertel ES-314
g55 03-368
lerrcp A1-1818
Fix date
Issue unique id: beguet-louis-1894-12-07--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-12-07 08:50:40 for g5 ES-314
1894-12-07 08:51 for CFEPP 807
Louis Béhier
1813-08-26 03:00
lerrcp A2-55
muller M5-74
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: behier-louis-1813-08-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
André Behoteguy
1900-10-19 21:00
cfepp CF-808
cpara CP-36
ertel ES-316
lerrcp A1-1819
Fix date
Issue unique id: behoteguy-andre-1900-10-19--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1900-10-19 20:50:40 for g5 ES-316
1900-10-19 20:51 for CFEPP 808
Henri Behoteguy
1898-10-18 18:00
cfepp CF-809
cpara CP-37
ertel ES-317
lerrcp A1-1820
Fix date
Issue unique id: behoteguy-henri-1898-10-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1898-10-18 17:50:40 for g5 ES-317
1898-10-18 17:51 for CFEPP 809
Jacques Bellanger
1927-12-25 07:30
cfepp CF-273
ertel ES-324
g55 03-111
lerrcp A1-777
Fix date
Issue unique id: bellanger-jacques-1927-12-25--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1927-12-21 07:30
A1: 1927-12-25 07:30
Jean Bellue
1848-11-28 20:55:17
g55 04-140
lerrcp A3-168
Fix date
Issue unique id: bellue-jean-1848-11-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1848-11-28 21:00
A3: 1848-11-28 20:55:17
Marie Bendeau
1804-08-01 12:00
g55 04-135
lerrcp A3-161
Fix date
Issue unique id: bendeau-marie-1804-08-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-08-04 12:00
A3: 1804-08-01 12:00
Valère Benedetto
ertel ES-340
g55 03-478
lerrcp A1-574
Fix date
Issue unique id: benedetto-valere-1926-11-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1926-11-26 16:00
A1: 1926-11-26
Regolo Benincasa
muller M1-100-41
Italian writers
Issue unique id: benincasa-regolo-1895-07-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Robert Benoist
1895-03-20 06:00
cfepp CF-1078
ertel ES-346
Fix date
Issue unique id: benoist-robert-1885-03-20--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1885-03-20 for g5 ES-346
1895-03-20 06:00 for CFEPP 1078
Charles César Benvignat
1805-12-23 23:55:23
g55 05-300
lerrcp A4-87
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-87-1805-12-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1805-12-24 00:00
A4: 1805-12-23 23:55:23
Marc (Michel) Berger
1943-07-08 23:45
cfepp CF-13
ertel ES-364
Fix date
Issue unique id: berger-marc-michel-1943-10-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1943-10-08 for g5 ES-364
1943-07-08 23:45 for CFEPP 13
Paul Berger
1845-01-06 03:00
g55 01-48
lerrcp A2-59
muller M5-80
Fix date
Issue unique id: berger-paul-1845-01-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1845-01-06 15:00
A2: 1845-01-06 03:00
Paul Charles Berger
1880-06-29 02:03:04
g55 04-154
lerrcp A3-183
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-183-1880-06-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1880-06-29 02:00
A3: 1880-06-29 02:03:04
Jacques Berlioz
1889-02-26 04:01
g55 07-147
lerrcp A5-87
Fix date
Issue unique id: berlioz-jacques-1889-02-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1889-02-26 04:00
A5: 1889-02-26 04:01
Carlo Bernard
muller M1-100-44
Italian writers
Issue unique id: bernard-carlo-1909-10-13--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Etienne Pr. Berne-bellecour
1838-07-29 16:55:23
g55 05-20
lerrcp A4-97
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-97-1838-07-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1838-07-29 17:00
A4: 1838-07-29 16:55:23
Jean Berthier
1841-10-01 11:59
g55 04-168
lerrcp A3-199
Fix date
Issue unique id: berthier-jean-1841-10-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1841-10-01 12:00
A3: 1841-10-01 11:59
Nino Bertocchi
muller M1-100-50
Italian writers
Issue unique id: bertocchi-nino-1900-07-09--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Pierre Besse
1857-05-04 12:55:17
g55 04-178
lerrcp A3-209
Fix date
Issue unique id: besse-pierre-1857-05-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1857-05-04 13:00
A3: 1857-05-04 12:55:17
Joseph Besson
1843-06-06 02:55:20
g55 04-181
lerrcp A3-212
Fix date
Issue unique id: besson-joseph-1843-06-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1843-06-16 03:00
A3: 1843-06-06 02:55:20
Fernand Bezançon
1868-02-23 13:15
g55 01-56
lerrcp A2-70
muller M5-94
Fix date
Issue unique id: bezancon-fernand-1868-02-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1868-02-23 01:15
A2: 1868-02-23 13:15
Marie-Gabriel Biessy
1854-03-23 07:00
g55 05-321
lerrcp A4-115
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-115-1854-03-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1854-03-25 07:00
A4: 1854-03-23 07:00
Adrien Bignon
1827-12-01 21:56:38
g55 04-192
lerrcp A3-225
Fix date
Issue unique id: bignon-adrien-1827-12-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1827-12-01 22:00
A3: 1827-12-01 21:56:38
Jules Bigot
1915-11-22 07:30
cfepp CF-438
cpara CP-48
ertel ES-442
g55 03-228
lerrcp A1-1261
Fix date
Issue unique id: bigot-jules-1915-10-22--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1915-10-22 07:00 for g5 ES-442
1915-11-22 07:30 for CFEPP 438
Jules Bigot
1915-11-22 07:30
cfepp CF-438
cpara CP-48
ertel ES-442
g55 03-228
lerrcp A1-1261
Fix date
Issue unique id: bigot-jules-1915-11-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1915-10-22 07:00
A1: 1915-11-22 07:30
Jules Bigot
1915-11-22 07:30
cfepp CF-438
cpara CP-48
ertel ES-442
g55 03-228
lerrcp A1-1261
Fix date
Issue unique id: bigot-jules-1915-10-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1915-10-22 07:00 for g5 ES-442
1915-11-22 07:30 for CFEPP 438
Raymond Bigot
1872-05-17 15:03:08
g55 05-323
lerrcp A4-117
Fix date
Issue unique id: bigot-raymond-1872-05-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1872-05-17 15:00
A4: 1872-05-17 15:03:08
Eugène Billac
1898-03-16 19:00
cfepp CF-816
cpara CP-50
ertel ES-444
lerrcp A1-1830
Fix date
Issue unique id: billac-eugene-1898-03-16--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1898-03-16 18:50:40 for g5 ES-444
1898-03-16 18:51 for CFEPP 816
François Billoux
1903-05-21 19:00
g55 08-12
lerrcp A5-1420
Fix date
Issue unique id: billoux-francois-1903-05-21--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1908-05-21 19:00
A5: 1903-05-21 19:00
Gaston Bilotte
1875-02-10 05:00
g55 04-196
lerrcp A3-230
Fix date
Issue unique id: bilotte-gaston-1875-02-10--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1875-02-10 08:00
A3: 1875-02-10 05:00
Georges Binet
1865-04-30 02:56:06
g55 05-329
lerrcp A4-124
Fix date
Issue unique id: binet-georges-1865-04-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1865-04-30 03:00
A4: 1865-04-30 02:56:06
Xavier Bizard
1899-01-01 20:30
cfepp CF-1006
ertel ES-458
g55 03-425
lerrcp A1-2027
Fix date
Issue unique id: bizard-xavier-1899-01-01--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-01-01 20:20:40 for g5 ES-458
1899-01-01 20:21 for CFEPP 1006