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Issues in Open Gauquelin database

Issues are potential individual problematic cases
Current page shows 2328 issues identified (and needing a resolution) in the Open Gauquelin database.
Person Cy Ids Related
wiki project
1858-08-29 01:20
lerrcp A6-677
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-677-1858-08-29--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1873-12-29 18:00
lerrcp A6-683
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-683-1873-12-29--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1880-09-10 12:00
lerrcp A6-69
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-69-1880-09-10--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1837-04-18 19:00
lerrcp A6-74
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-74-1837-04-18--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1837-04-18 02:00
lerrcp A6-743
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-743-1837-04-18--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1869-08-21 00:40
lerrcp A6-749
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-749-1869-08-21--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1883-12-30 02:45:04
lerrcp A6-75
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-75-1883-12-30--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1889-03-17 17:00
lerrcp A6-777
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-777-1889-03-17--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1874-07-03 09:55:20
lerrcp A6-786
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-786-1874-07-03--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1907-05-04 04:00
lerrcp A6-787
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-787-1907-05-04--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1920-02-15 07:00
lerrcp A6-806
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-806-1920-02-15--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1893-01-25 16:00
lerrcp A6-809
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-809-1893-01-25--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
1900-09-06 11:00
lerrcp A6-93
Fix Name
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a6-93-1900-09-06--name
Issue type: Problem in the name of the person
Missing name in Gauquelin file A6
Albert Gazier
1908-05-16 14:05
g55 08-52
lerrcp A5-1465
Fix date
Issue unique id: gazier-albert-1908-05-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1906-05-16 14:05
A5: 1908-05-16 14:05
Lucien Genot
1901-04-20 17:00
cfepp CF-1053
ertel ES-1839
g55 03-466
lerrcp A1-2081
Fix date
Issue unique id: genot-lucien-1901-04-20--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1901-04-20 16:50:40 for g5 ES-1839
1901-04-20 16:51 for CFEPP 1053
Emile Georget
1881-11-21 06:00
cfepp CF-1084
ertel ES-1825
g55 03-148
lerrcp A1-822
Fix date
Issue unique id: georget-emile-1881-11-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1881-11-21 05:57:12 for g5 ES-1825
1881-11-21 05:56 for CFEPP 1084
Geo Gerald
1904-03-17 17:30
cfepp CF-878
cpara CP-203
ertel ES-1827
lerrcp A1-1908
Fix date
Issue unique id: gerald-geo-1904-03-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-03-17 17:20:40 for g5 ES-1827
1904-03-17 17:21 for CFEPP 878
Monique Gerard
1928-04-11 01:00
g55 07-411
lerrcp A5-371
Fix date
Issue unique id: gerard-monique-1928-04-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1928-04-11 .1:00
A5: 1928-04-11 01:00
Alain Gerbault
1893-11-17 11:00
cfepp CF-1031
ertel ES-1831
g55 03-471
lerrcp A1-2086
Fix date
Issue unique id: gerbault-alain-1893-11-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1893-11-17 10:50:40 for g5 ES-1831
1893-11-17 10:51 for CFEPP 1031
Alfred Gervais
1837-06-19 05:00
g55 04-395
lerrcp A3-572
Fix date
Issue unique id: gervais-alfred-1837-06-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1837-06-19 15:00
A3: 1837-06-19 05:00
Jean Gigoux
1806-01-06 07:14:56
g55 05-525
lerrcp A4-456
Fix date
Issue unique id: gigoux-jean-1806-01-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1806-01-06 07:15
A4: 1806-01-06 07:14:56
Alain Giletti
1939-09-11 07:45
cfepp CF-708
cpara CP-206
ertel ES-1862
lerrcp A1-2038
Fix date
Issue unique id: giletti-alain-1939-11-09--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1939-11-09 06:45 for g5 ES-1862
1939-09-11 06:45 for CFEPP 708
Alain Giletti
1939-09-11 07:45
cfepp CF-708
cpara CP-206
ertel ES-1862
lerrcp A1-2038
Fix date
Issue unique id: giletti-alain-1939-11-09--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1939-11-09 07:45 for g5 ES-1862
1939-09-11 07:45 for CFEPP 708
Emilio Girardini
muller M1-100-230
Italian writers
Issue unique id: girardini-emilio-1858-10-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Jean Girardin
1803-11-16 16:00
lerrcp A2-302
muller M5-414
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: girardin-jean-1803-11-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Antoine Giroud
1895-12-26 12:00
lerrcp E1-874
muller M5-417
Fix date
Issue unique id: giroud-antoine-1895-02-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1895-02-26 for Gauquelin E1-874
1895-12-26 for Müller M5-417
Stoppani Gino Giulini
muller M1-100-231
Italian writers
Issue unique id: giulini-stoppani-gino-1894-06-20--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Lorenzo Giusso
muller M1-100-233
Italian writers
Issue unique id: giusso-lorenzo-1900-06-25--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Nicolas Gobley
1811-05-11 04:00
lerrcp A2-308
muller M5-424
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: gobley-nicolas-1811-05-11--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Raymond Goethals
1804-09-12 02:55:17
g55 05-122
lerrcp A4-473
Fix date
Issue unique id: goethals-raymond-1804-09-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-09-12 03:00
A4: 1804-09-12 02:55:17
Charles Gonnet
1897-11-03 07:50
cfepp CF-880
cpara CP-210
ertel ES-1899
lerrcp A1-1909
Fix date
Issue unique id: gonnet-charles-1897-11-03--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1897-11-03 07:40:40 for g5 ES-1899
1897-11-03 07:41 for CFEPP 880
Pierre Goret
1907-08-27 15:00
lerrcp E1-890
muller M5-426
Fix date
Issue unique id: goret-pierre-1907-08-27--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth hours differ
11:00 for Gauquelin E1-890
15:00 for Müller M5-426
Antonin Gosset
1872-01-20 11:30
g55 01-239
lerrcp A2-311
muller M5-429
Fix date
Issue unique id: gosset-antonin-1872-01-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1872-01-21 for Gauquelin A2-311
1872-01-20 for Müller M5-429
Antonin Gosset
1872-01-20 11:30
g55 01-239
lerrcp A2-311
muller M5-429
Fix date
Issue unique id: gosset-antonin-1872-01-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1872-01-21 11:00
A2: 1872-01-20 11:30
Raoul Got
1900-10-11 06:00
cfepp CF-881
cpara CP-211
ertel ES-1907
g55 03-394
lerrcp A1-1910
Fix date
Issue unique id: got-raoul-1900-10-11--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1900-10-11 05:50:40 for g5 ES-1907
1900-10-11 05:51 for CFEPP 881
Jean Gounot
1894-04-09 17:30
cfepp CF-594
ertel ES-1911
g55 03-305
lerrcp A1-1701
Fix date
Issue unique id: gounot-jean-1894-05-09--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1894-05-09 17:30 for g5 ES-1911
1894-04-09 17:30 for CFEPP 594
Jean Gounot
1894-04-09 17:30
cfepp CF-594
ertel ES-1911
g55 03-305
lerrcp A1-1701
Fix date
Issue unique id: gounot-jean-1894-05-09--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-05-09 17:20:40 for g5 ES-1911
1894-04-09 17:21 for CFEPP 594
Jean Gounot
1894-04-09 17:30
cfepp CF-594
ertel ES-1911
g55 03-305
lerrcp A1-1701
Fix date
Issue unique id: gounot-jean-1894-04-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1894-05-09 17:30
A1: 1894-04-09 17:30
Tullo Gramantieri
muller M1-100-237
Italian writers
Issue unique id: gramantieri-tullo-1898-03-24--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Vincent Graule
1904-01-22 10:00
cfepp CF-882
cpara CP-213
ertel ES-1941
g55 03-395
lerrcp A1-1912
Fix date
Issue unique id: graule-vincent-1904-01-22--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-01-22 09:50:40 for g5 ES-1941
1904-01-22 09:51 for CFEPP 882
Ernest Gravier
1892-08-26 04:00
cfepp CF-488
cpara CP-214
ertel ES-1944
g55 03-254
lerrcp A1-1315
Fix date
Issue unique id: gravier-ernest-1892-08-26--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1892-08-26 03:50:40 for g5 ES-1944
1892-08-26 03:51 for CFEPP 488
Alexandre Grellet
1835-10-03 17:56:38
g55 05-537
lerrcp A4-483
Fix date
Issue unique id: grellet-alexandre-1835-10-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1835-10-03 18:00
A4: 1835-10-03 17:56:38
François Grellet
1838-10-19 22:56:38
g55 05-538
lerrcp A4-484
Fix date
Issue unique id: grellet-francois-1838-10-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1838-10-19 23:00
A4: 1838-10-19 22:56:38
Gilbert Gress
1941-09-17 00:30
cfepp CF-490
ertel ES-1959
lerrcp D6-188
Fix date
Issue unique id: gress-gilbert-1941-12-17--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1941-12-17 00:30 for g5 ES-1959
1941-09-17 00:30 for CFEPP 490
Edouard Grimaux
1835-07-03 13:00
g55 09-120
lerrcp A2-2719
Fix date
Issue unique id: grimaux-edouard-1835-07-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1835-07-03 01:00
A2: 1835-07-03 13:00
Félix Grimonprez
1910-06-30 03:00
cfepp CF-640
cpara CP-217
ertel ES-1972
g55 03-316
lerrcp A1-1735
Fix date
Issue unique id: grimonprez-felix-1910-06-30--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1910-06-30 02:50:40 for g5 ES-1972
1910-06-30 02:51 for CFEPP 640
François Grison
1845-06-17 08:55:17
g55 05-124
lerrcp A4-489
Fix date
Issue unique id: grison-francois-1845-06-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1845-06-17 09:00
A4: 1845-06-17 08:55:17
Jean Grumellon
1923-06-01 18:00
cfepp CF-492
cpara CP-218
ertel ES-1989
g55 03-256
lerrcp A1-1318
Fix date
Issue unique id: grumellon-jean-1923-06-01--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1923-06-01 17:30 for g5 ES-1989
1923-06-01 17:00 for CFEPP 492
Jean Grumellon
1923-06-01 18:00
cfepp CF-492
cpara CP-218
ertel ES-1989
g55 03-256
lerrcp A1-1318
Fix date
Issue unique id: grumellon-jean-1923-06-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1923-06-01 18:30 for g5 ES-1989
1923-06-01 18:00 for CFEPP 492
Jean Grumellon
1923-06-01 18:00
cfepp CF-492
cpara CP-218
ertel ES-1989
g55 03-256
lerrcp A1-1318
Fix date
Issue unique id: grumellon-jean-1923-06-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1923-06-01 18:30
A1: 1923-06-01 18:00
Alphonse Guérin
1816-08-09 10:30
g55 01-250
lerrcp A2-322
muller M5-445
Fix date
Issue unique id: guerin-alphonse-1816-08-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1816-04-09 10:30
A2: 1816-08-09 10:30
Alexandre Gast. Guignard
1848-03-08 13:55:17
g55 05-131
lerrcp A4-501
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-501-1848-03-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1848-03-08 14:00
A4: 1848-03-08 13:55:17
Georges Guillain
1876-03-03 04:00
g55 01-255
lerrcp A2-327
muller M5-450
Fix date
Issue unique id: guillain-georges-1876-03-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-03-03 15:15
A2: 1876-03-03 04:00
Ernest Guillemer
1839-04-05 14:02
g55 05-551
lerrcp A4-506
Fix date
Issue unique id: guillemer-ernest-1839-04-05--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1839-04-05 14:00
A4: 1839-04-05 14:02
Joseph Guillemin
1874-04-25 23:44:52
g55 02-256
lerrcp A2-1034
Fix date
Issue unique id: guillemin-joseph-1874-04-25--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1874-04-25 23:45
A2: 1874-04-25 23:44:52
Joseph Guillemont
1899-10-01 02:00
cfepp CF-67
cpara CP-220
ertel ES-2017
g55 03-11
lerrcp A1-41
Fix date
Issue unique id: guillemont-joseph-1899-10-01--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-10-01 01:50:40 for g5 ES-2017
1899-10-01 01:51 for CFEPP 67
Jean-Pierre Guillon
1930-01-21 07:30
cfepp CF-69
ertel ES-2019
Fix date
Issue unique id: guillon-jean-pierre-1930-01-25--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1930-01-25 for g5 ES-2019
1930-01-21 07:30 for CFEPP 69
Paul Guinard
1876-05-10 01:00
cfepp CF-312
ertel ES-2013
lerrcp A1-829
Fix date
Issue unique id: guinard-paul-1876-05-10--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1876-05-10 00:46:40 for g5 ES-2013
1876-05-10 00:49 for CFEPP 312
Louis Hache
1857-02-10 01:00
lerrcp A2-329
muller M5-455
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: hache-louis-1857-02-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Prosper Haller
1869-08-24 12:04:17
g55 02-262
lerrcp A2-1042
Fix date
Issue unique id: haller-prosper-1869-08-24--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1869-08-24 12:00
A2: 1869-08-24 12:04:17
François Hallopeau
1842-01-17 21:00
lerrcp A2-333
muller M5-460
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: hallopeau-francois-1842-01-17--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Maurice Hamy
1861-10-31 01:10
g55 09-129
lerrcp A2-2728
Fix date
Issue unique id: hamy-maurice-1861-10-31--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1861-10-31 01:15
A2: 1861-10-31 01:10
Henri Hartmann
1860-06-16 10:30
lerrcp A2-335
muller M5-465
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: hartmann-henri-1860-06-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Albert Hassler
1903-11-03 11:00
cfepp CF-712
ertel ES-2070
lerrcp A1-2039
Fix date
Issue unique id: hassler-albert-1903-11-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1903-11-02 01:00 for g5 ES-2070
1903-11-03 11:00 for CFEPP 712
Albert Hassler
1903-11-03 11:00
cfepp CF-712
ertel ES-2070
lerrcp A1-2039
Fix date
Issue unique id: hassler-albert-1903-11-02--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1903-11-02 00:50:40 for g5 ES-2070
1903-11-03 10:51 for CFEPP 712
Jules Hautefeuille
1877-02-03 11:56:11
g55 02-264
lerrcp A2-1044
Fix date
Issue unique id: hautefeuille-jules-1877-02-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1877-02-03 12:00
A2: 1877-02-03 11:56:11
Pierre Hedouin
1820-07-16 18:25:23
g55 05-136
lerrcp A4-515
Fix date
Issue unique id: hedouin-pierre-1820-07-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1820-07-16 18:30
A4: 1820-07-16 18:25:23
Oscar Heisserer
1914-07-18 11:00
cfepp CF-494
cpara CP-228
ertel ES-2090
g55 03-257
lerrcp A1-1322
Fix date
Issue unique id: heisserer-oscar-1914-07-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1914-07-18 20:00 for g5 ES-2090
1914-07-18 11:00 for CFEPP 494
Oscar Heisserer
1914-07-18 11:00
cfepp CF-494
cpara CP-228
ertel ES-2090
g55 03-257
lerrcp A1-1322
Fix date
Issue unique id: heisserer-oscar-1914-07-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1914-07-18 19:00 for g5 ES-2090
1914-07-18 10:00 for CFEPP 494
Oscar Heisserer
1914-07-18 11:00
cfepp CF-494
cpara CP-228
ertel ES-2090
g55 03-257
lerrcp A1-1322
Fix date
Issue unique id: heisserer-oscar-1914-07-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1914-07-18 20:00
A1: 1914-07-18 11:00
Henri Hell
1911-04-26 17:30
cfepp CF-207
ertel ES-2093
g55 03-66
lerrcp A1-545
Fix date
Issue unique id: hell-henri-1911-04-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1911-04-26 16:00
A1: 1911-04-26 17:30
Henri Hell
1911-04-26 17:30
cfepp CF-207
ertel ES-2093
g55 03-66
lerrcp A1-545
Fix date
Issue unique id: hell-henri-1911-04-26--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1911-04-26 16:00 for g5 ES-2093
1911-04-26 17:30 for CFEPP 207
Henri Hell
1911-04-26 17:30
cfepp CF-207
ertel ES-2093
g55 03-66
lerrcp A1-545
Fix date
Issue unique id: hell-henri-1911-04-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1911-04-26 16:00 for g5 ES-2093
1911-04-26 17:30 for CFEPP 207
Louis Henneguy
1850-03-18 16:45
lerrcp A2-338
muller M5-473
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: henneguy-louis-1850-03-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
(Allum) Henry-Laverne
1888-09-29 17:55:23
g55 07-239
lerrcp A5-417
Fix date
Issue unique id: henry-laverne-allum-1888-09-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1888-09-29 18:00
A5: 1888-09-29 17:55:23
Paul Prosper Henrys
1862-03-13 08:26:55
g55 04-408
lerrcp A3-615
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-615-1862-03-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1862-03-13 08:30
A3: 1862-03-13 08:26:55
André Herrero
1938-11-28 02:00
cfepp CF-886
ertel ES-2116
lerrcp D6-206
Fix date
Issue unique id: herrero-andre-1938-01-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1938-01-28 02:00 for g5 ES-2116
1938-11-28 02:00 for CFEPP 886
Jacques Hervieux
1818-09-03 20:00
g55 01-267
lerrcp A2-345
muller M5-482
Fix date
Issue unique id: hervieux-jacques-1818-09-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1818-09-04 20:00
A2: 1818-09-03 20:00
Jacques Hervieux
1818-09-03 20:00
g55 01-267
lerrcp A2-345
muller M5-482
Fix date
Issue unique id: hervieux-jacques-1818-09-04--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1818-09-04 for Gauquelin A2-345
1818-09-03 for Müller M5-482
Paul Heymann
1883-05-28 13:46
g55 02-270
lerrcp A2-1052
Fix date
Issue unique id: heymann-paul-1883-05-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1883-05-28 14:00
A2: 1883-05-28 13:46
Jean Hillairet
1815-12-14 05:00
lerrcp A2-347
muller M5-485
Fix date
Issue unique id: hillairet-jean-1815-12-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1815-12-15 for Gauquelin A2-347
1815-12-14 for Müller M5-485
Maurice Holzer
1906-01-21 17:30
cfepp CF-239
cpara CP-231
ertel ES-2140
g55 03-93
lerrcp A1-622
Fix date
Issue unique id: holzer-maurice-1906-01-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1906-01-21 17:20:40 for g5 ES-2140
1906-01-21 17:21 for CFEPP 239
Louis Hostin
1908-04-21 10:00
cfepp CF-616
cpara CP-232
ertel ES-2143
g55 03-361
lerrcp A1-1720
Fix date
Issue unique id: hostin-louis-1908-04-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1908-04-21 09:50:40 for g5 ES-2143
1908-04-21 09:51 for CFEPP 616
Léon Hourlier
1885-09-16 22:00
cfepp CF-315
ertel ES-2147
g55 03-154
lerrcp A1-831
Fix date
Issue unique id: hourlier-leon-1885-09-16--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1885-09-16 17:42:32 for g5 ES-2147
1885-09-16 21:44 for CFEPP 315
Léon Hourlier
1885-09-16 22:00
cfepp CF-315
ertel ES-2147
g55 03-154
lerrcp A1-831
Fix date
Issue unique id: hourlier-leon-1885-09-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1885-09-16 18:00 for g5 ES-2147
1885-09-16 22:00 for CFEPP 315
Léon Hourlier
1885-09-16 22:00
cfepp CF-315
ertel ES-2147
g55 03-154
lerrcp A1-831
Fix date
Issue unique id: hourlier-leon-1885-09-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1885-09-16 18:00
A1: 1885-09-16 22:00
Julien Huber
1885-01-18 18:00
lerrcp E1-1012
muller M5-488
Fix date
Issue unique id: huder-julien-1885-01-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth hours differ
04:00 for Gauquelin E1-1012
18:00 for Müller M5-488
Henri Huchard
1844-04-04 14:00
g55 01-270
lerrcp A2-349
muller M5-490
Fix date
Issue unique id: huchard-henri-1844-04-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1844-04-05 for Gauquelin A2-349
1844-04-04 for Müller M5-490
Henri Huchard
1844-04-04 14:00
g55 01-270
lerrcp A2-349
muller M5-490
Fix date
Issue unique id: huchard-henri-1844-04-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1844-04-05 08:00
A2: 1844-04-04 14:00
Georges Huet
1909-12-08 13:30
cfepp CF-579
ertel ES-2155
Fix date
Issue unique id: huet-georges-1907-12-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1907-12-08 for g5 ES-2155
1909-12-08 13:30 for CFEPP 579
François Hugues
1896-08-13 09:30
cfepp CF-500
cpara CP-234
ertel ES-2158
lerrcp A1-1324
Fix date
Issue unique id: hugues-francois-1896-08-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1896-08-13 09:20:40 for g5 ES-2158
1896-08-13 09:21 for CFEPP 500
Pierre Huguier
1804-09-18 21:00
g55 01-272
lerrcp A2-351
muller M5-492
Fix date
Issue unique id: huguier-pierre-1804-09-04--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1804-09-04 for Gauquelin A2-351
1804-09-18 for Müller M5-492
Pierre Huguier
1804-09-18 21:00
g55 01-272
lerrcp A2-351
muller M5-492
Fix date
Issue unique id: huguier-pierre-1804-09-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-09-04 21:00
A2: 1804-09-18 21:00
Gustave Humery
1908-12-17 17:00
cfepp CF-240
ertel ES-2162
g55 03-95
lerrcp A1-624
Fix date
Issue unique id: humery-gustave-1908-12-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1908-12-17 16:50:40 for g5 ES-2162
1908-12-17 16:51 for CFEPP 240
Claude Huriez
1907-12-12 13:30
lerrcp E1-1027
muller M5-493
Fix date
Issue unique id: huriez-claude-1907-12-12--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth hours differ
12:30 for Gauquelin E1-1027
13:30 for Müller M5-493
Max Jacob
1876-07-12 13:00
g55 05-141
lerrcp A4-543
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacob-max-1876-07-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-07-12 18:00
A4: 1876-07-12 13:00
Edmond Jacquelin
1875-03-31 10:00
cfepp CF-318
cpara CP-239
ertel ES-2193
g55 03-157
lerrcp A1-834
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacquelin-edmond-1875-03-31--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1875-03-31 09:39:52 for g5 ES-2193
1875-03-31 09:41 for CFEPP 318
Jean Jacquemier
1806-01-14 10:00
g55 01-278
lerrcp A2-356
muller M5-499
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacquemier-jean-1806-01-14--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1806-01-16 13:00
A2: 1806-01-14 10:00
Jean Jacquemier
1806-01-14 10:00
g55 01-278
lerrcp A2-356
muller M5-499
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacquemier-jean-1806-01-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1806-01-16 for Gauquelin A2-356
1806-01-14 for Müller M5-499
Eugène Jacquemin
1828-01-22 22:30
g55 01-277
lerrcp A2-357
muller M5-500
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacquemin-eugene-1828-01-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1828-01-23 09:00
A2: 1828-01-22 22:30