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Issues in Open Gauquelin database

Issues are potential individual problematic cases
Current page shows 2328 issues identified (and needing a resolution) in the Open Gauquelin database.
Person Cy Ids Related
wiki project
Eugène Jacquemin
1828-01-22 22:30
g55 01-277
lerrcp A2-357
muller M5-500
Fix date
Issue unique id: jacquemin-eugene-1828-01-23--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1828-01-23 for Gauquelin A2-357
1828-01-22 for Müller M5-500
Augusto Jandolo
muller M1-100-248
Italian writers
Issue unique id: jandolo-augusto-1873-05-25--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Alfonso Janni
muller M1-100-249
Italian writers
Issue unique id: janni-alfonso-1897-05-09--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Jaulin Seutre Auguste
1882-12-29 23:20
g55 02-273
lerrcp A2-1057
Fix date
Issue unique id: jaulin-seutre-auguste-1882-12-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1882-12-29 23:15
A2: 1882-12-29 23:20
Jean Jaureguiberry
1815-08-26 08:55:34
g55 04-415
lerrcp A3-640
Fix date
Issue unique id: jaureguiberry-jean-1815-08-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1815-08-26 09:00
A3: 1815-08-26 08:55:34
Adolphe Jaureguy
1898-02-18 15:00
cfepp CF-890
cpara CP-241
ertel ES-2207
g55 03-397
lerrcp A1-1917
Fix date
Issue unique id: jaureguy-adolphe-1898-02-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1898-02-18 14:50:40 for g5 ES-2207
1898-02-18 14:51 for CFEPP 890
Louis Javal
1839-05-05 12:00
lerrcp A2-359
muller M5-505
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: javal-louis-1839-05-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Yvonne Jeanne
1910-07-14 11:00
cfepp CF-690
ertel ES-2210
g55 03-437
lerrcp A1-1769
Fix date
Issue unique id: jeanne-yvonne-1910-07-14--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1910-07-14 00:50:40 for g5 ES-2210
1910-07-14 10:51 for CFEPP 690
Yvonne Jeanne
1910-07-14 11:00
cfepp CF-690
ertel ES-2210
g55 03-437
lerrcp A1-1769
Fix date
Issue unique id: jeanne-yvonne-1910-07-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1910-07-14 01:00 for g5 ES-2210
1910-07-14 11:00 for CFEPP 690
Yvonne Jeanne
1910-07-14 11:00
cfepp CF-690
ertel ES-2210
g55 03-437
lerrcp A1-1769
Fix date
Issue unique id: jeanne-yvonne-1910-07-14--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1910-07-14 01:00
A1: 1910-07-14 11:00
Jean-François Jodar
1949-12-02 06:00
cfepp CF-502
ertel ES-2219
lerrcp D6-441
Fix date
Issue unique id: jodar-jean-francois-1936-09-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1936-09-22 21:30 for g5 ES-2219
1949-12-02 06:00 for CFEPP 502
Joseph Jacques Joffre
1852-01-12 08:00
g55 04-417
lerrcp A3-643
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-643-1852-01-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1852-01-12 10:00
A3: 1852-01-12 08:00
Félix Jolyet
1841-01-04 14:00
g55 01-285
lerrcp A2-366
muller M5-513
Fix date
Issue unique id: jolyet-felix-1841-01-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1841-01-10 for Gauquelin A2-366
1841-01-04 for Müller M5-513
Félix Jolyet
1841-01-04 14:00
g55 01-285
lerrcp A2-366
muller M5-513
Fix date
Issue unique id: jolyet-felix-1841-01-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1841-01-10 12:00
A2: 1841-01-04 14:00
Jean Jourlin
1909-06-25 17:15
cfepp CF-662
ertel ES-2234
g55 03-327
lerrcp A1-1748
Fix date
Issue unique id: jourlin-jean-1909-06-25--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1909-06-25 17:05:40 for g5 ES-2234
1909-06-25 17:06 for CFEPP 662
André Jousseaume
1894-07-27 08:10
cfepp CF-1011
cpara CP-247
ertel ES-2236
g55 03-430
lerrcp A1-2034
Fix date
Issue unique id: jousseaume-andre-1894-07-27--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-07-27 08:00:40 for g5 ES-2236
1894-07-27 08:01 for CFEPP 1011
Bernard Julien
1802-11-16 09:55:34
g55 05-593
lerrcp A4-567
Fix date
Issue unique id: julien-bernard-1802-11-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1802-11-16 10:00
A4: 1802-11-16 09:55:34
Henri Jumelle
1866-11-26 00:14:28
g55 09-147
lerrcp A2-2751
Fix date
Issue unique id: jumelle-henri-1866-11-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1866-11-25 00:15
A2: 1866-11-26 00:14:28
Emile Jungfleisch
1839-12-21 15:40
lerrcp A2-369
muller M5-517
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: jungfleisch-emile-1839-12-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Roger Kerdrel
1841-02-28 11:44:53
g55 04-419
lerrcp A3-653
Fix date
Issue unique id: kerdrel-roger-1841-02-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1841-02-28 11:45
A3: 1841-02-28 11:44:53
André Labattut
1891-07-18 08:00
cfepp CF-405
cpara CP-254
ertel ES-2303
g55 03-211
lerrcp A1-1237
Fix date
Issue unique id: labattut-andre-1891-07-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1891-07-18 07:50:40 for g5 ES-2303
1891-07-18 07:51 for CFEPP 405
Alexandre Laboulbéne
1825-08-23 03:00
g55 01-294
lerrcp A2-377
muller M5-530
Fix date
Issue unique id: laboulbene-alexandre-1825-08-24--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1825-08-24 for Gauquelin A2-377
1825-08-23 for Müller M5-530
Alexandre Laboulbéne
1825-08-23 03:00
g55 01-294
lerrcp A2-377
muller M5-530
Fix date
Issue unique id: laboulbene-alexandre-1825-08-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1825-08-24 03:00
A2: 1825-08-23 03:00
René Lacoste
1904-07-02 05:00
cfepp CF-1036
ertel ES-2313
lerrcp A1-2062
Fix date
Issue unique id: lacoste-rene-1904-07-02--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-07-02 04:50:40 for g5 ES-2313
1904-07-02 04:51 for CFEPP 1036
Charles Lacquehay
1897-11-04 04:30
cfepp CF-320
cpara CP-258
ertel ES-2316
lerrcp A1-836
Fix date
Issue unique id: lacquehay-charles-1897-11-04--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1897-11-04 04:20:40 for g5 ES-2316
1897-11-04 04:21 for CFEPP 320
Jules Ladoumegue
1906-12-10 17:30
cfepp CF-84
cpara CP-260
ertel ES-2322
g55 03-15
lerrcp A1-49
Fix date
Issue unique id: ladoumegue-jules-1906-12-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1906-12-10 05:00 for g5 ES-2322
1906-12-10 17:30 for CFEPP 84
Jules Ladoumegue
1906-12-10 17:30
cfepp CF-84
cpara CP-260
ertel ES-2322
g55 03-15
lerrcp A1-49
Fix date
Issue unique id: ladoumegue-jules-1906-12-10--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1906-12-10 04:50:40 for g5 ES-2322
1906-12-10 17:21 for CFEPP 84
Jules Ladoumegue
1906-12-10 17:30
cfepp CF-84
cpara CP-260
ertel ES-2322
g55 03-15
lerrcp A1-49
Fix date
Issue unique id: ladoumegue-jules-1906-12-10--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1906-12-10 05:00
A1: 1906-12-10 17:30
Theophile Laennec
1830-03-12 09:00
g55 01-297
lerrcp A2-381
muller M5-536
Fix date
Issue unique id: laennec-theophile-1830-03-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1830-03-12 12:00
A2: 1830-03-12 09:00
Leger Lafont
1799-05-18 13:55:17
g55 07-83
lerrcp A5-455
Fix date
Issue unique id: lafont-leger-1799-05-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1799-05-18 14:00
A5: 1799-05-18 13:55:17
Pierre Lafont
1797-05-16 07:55:17
g55 07-84
lerrcp A5-456
Fix date
Issue unique id: lafont-pierre-1797-05-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1797-05-16 08:00
A5: 1797-05-16 07:55:17
Gustave Lagneau
1827-08-18 10:30
lerrcp A2-382
muller M5-540
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lagneau-gustave-1827-08-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Henri Lagrange
1890-12-23 19:55:17
g55 02-288
lerrcp A2-1075
Fix date
Issue unique id: lagrange-henri-1890-12-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1890-12-23 20:00
A2: 1890-12-23 19:55:17
Henri Lajoux
1849-01-15 20:30
lerrcp A2-386
muller M5-544
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lajoux-henri-1849-01-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Maxime Lalanne
1827-11-27 20:55:17
g55 05-144
lerrcp A4-584
Fix date
Issue unique id: lalanne-maxime-1827-11-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1827-11-27 21:00
A4: 1827-11-27 20:55:17
Henri Lamarque
1863-02-27 11:56:45
g55 02-289
lerrcp A2-1076
Fix date
Issue unique id: lamarque-henri-1863-02-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1863-02-27 12:00
A2: 1863-02-27 11:56:45
Roger Lamy
1926-12-13 13:15
cfepp CF-507
ertel ES-2346
g55 03-262
lerrcp A1-1333
Fix date
Issue unique id: lamy-roger-1926-01-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1926-01-13 21:00 for g5 ES-2346
1926-12-13 13:15 for CFEPP 507
Roger Lamy
1926-12-13 13:15
cfepp CF-507
ertel ES-2346
g55 03-262
lerrcp A1-1333
Fix date
Issue unique id: lamy-roger-1926-01-13--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1926-01-13 21:00 for g5 ES-2346
1926-12-13 13:15 for CFEPP 507
Roger Lamy
1926-12-13 13:15
cfepp CF-507
ertel ES-2346
g55 03-262
lerrcp A1-1333
Fix date
Issue unique id: lamy-roger-1926-12-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1926-01-13 21:00
A1: 1926-12-13 13:15
Jean Langlois
1862-08-02 04:00
lerrcp A2-393
muller M5-557
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: langlois-jean-1862-08-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Pierre Langlois
1925-03-31 11:00
cfepp CF-244
cpara CP-266
ertel ES-2355
g55 03-519
lerrcp A1-632
Fix date
Issue unique id: langlois-pierre-1925-03-31--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1925-03-31 01:00 for g5 ES-2355
1925-03-31 11:00 for CFEPP 244
Pierre Langlois
1925-03-31 11:00
cfepp CF-244
cpara CP-266
ertel ES-2355
g55 03-519
lerrcp A1-632
Fix date
Issue unique id: langlois-pierre-1925-03-31--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1925-03-31 01:00 for g5 ES-2355
1925-03-31 11:00 for CFEPP 244
Pierre Langlois
1925-03-31 11:00
cfepp CF-244
cpara CP-266
ertel ES-2355
g55 03-519
lerrcp A1-632
Fix date
Issue unique id: langlois-pierre-1925-03-31--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1925-03-31 14:00
A1: 1925-03-31 11:00
Maurice Lannois
1856-11-06 09:00
g55 01-306
lerrcp A2-395
muller M5-559
Fix date
Issue unique id: lannois-maurice-1856-11-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1856-11-08 11:45
A2: 1856-11-06 09:00
Maurice Lannois
1856-11-06 09:00
g55 01-306
lerrcp A2-395
muller M5-559
Fix date
Issue unique id: lannois-maurice-1856-11-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1856-11-08 for Gauquelin A2-395
1856-11-06 for Müller M5-559
Emmanuel Lansier
1835-02-19 08:05:40
g55 05-611
lerrcp A4-596
Fix date
Issue unique id: lansier-emmanuel-1835-02-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1835-02-19 08:00
A4: 1835-02-19 08:05:40
Lisette Lanvin
1913-09-03 12:00
g55 07-252
lerrcp A5-463
Fix date
Issue unique id: lanvin-lisette-1913-09-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1913-09-03 24:00
A5: 1913-09-03 12:00
Giuseppe Lanza
muller M1-100-250
Italian writers
Issue unique id: lanza-giuseppe-1900-01-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Roger Lapebie
1911-01-16 21:00
cfepp CF-323
cpara CP-267
ertel ES-2360
g55 03-160
lerrcp A1-839
Fix date
Issue unique id: lapebie-roger-1911-01-16--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1911-01-16 20:50:40 for g5 ES-2360
1911-01-16 20:51 for CFEPP 323
Félix Larrey
1808-09-18 08:00
lerrcp A2-398
muller M5-564
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: larrey-felix-1808-09-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Ernest Laségue
1816-09-05 22:00
lerrcp A2-399
muller M5-565
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lasegue-ernest-1816-09-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jean Lassaigne
1800-09-22 14:00
lerrcp A2-401
muller M5-567
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lassaigue-jean-1800-09-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jean Lassegue
1924-02-15 17:00
cfepp CF-899
cpara CP-270
ertel ES-2373
g55 03-400
lerrcp A1-1931
Fix date
Issue unique id: lassegue-jean-1924-02-15--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1924-02-15 05:00 for g5 ES-2373
1924-02-15 17:00 for CFEPP 899
Jean Lassegue
1924-02-15 17:00
cfepp CF-899
cpara CP-270
ertel ES-2373
g55 03-400
lerrcp A1-1931
Fix date
Issue unique id: lassegue-jean-1924-02-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1924-02-15 05:00 for g5 ES-2373
1924-02-15 17:00 for CFEPP 899
Jean Lassegue
1924-02-15 17:00
cfepp CF-899
cpara CP-270
ertel ES-2373
g55 03-400
lerrcp A1-1931
Fix date
Issue unique id: lassegue-jean-1924-02-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1924-02-15 05:00
A1: 1924-02-15 17:00
Philippe Lasseur
1882-06-27 08:56:25
g55 02-297
lerrcp A2-1085
Fix date
Issue unique id: lasseur-philippe-1882-06-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1882-06-27 09:00
A2: 1882-06-27 08:56:25
Georges Laugee
1853-12-19 00:56:25
g55 05-620
lerrcp A4-608
Fix date
Issue unique id: laugee-georges-1853-12-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1853-12-19 01:00
A4: 1853-12-19 00:56:25
Jean Laurent
1906-12-30 10:00
cfepp CF-509
ertel ES-2380
g55 03-263
lerrcp A1-1334
Fix date
Issue unique id: laurent-jean-1906-12-30--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1906-12-30 09:50:40 for g5 ES-2380
1906-12-30 09:51 for CFEPP 509
Lucien Laurent
1907-12-10 04:00
cfepp CF-510
cpara CP-273
ertel ES-2381
g55 03-264
lerrcp A1-1335
Fix date
Issue unique id: laurent-lucien-1907-12-10--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1907-12-10 00:30
A1: 1907-12-10 04:00
Lucien Laurent
1907-12-10 04:00
cfepp CF-510
cpara CP-273
ertel ES-2381
g55 03-264
lerrcp A1-1335
Fix date
Issue unique id: laurent-lucien-1907-12-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1907-12-10 00:30 for g5 ES-2381
1907-12-10 04:00 for CFEPP 510
Lucien Laurent
1907-12-10 04:00
cfepp CF-510
cpara CP-273
ertel ES-2381
g55 03-264
lerrcp A1-1335
Fix date
Issue unique id: laurent-lucien-1907-12-10--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1907-12-10 00:20:40 for g5 ES-2381
1907-12-10 03:51 for CFEPP 510
Charles Laveran
1845-06-18 06:00
lerrcp A2-406
muller M5-574
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: laveran-charles-1845-06-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Paul Lebeau
1868-12-19 08:16:56
g55 09-159
lerrcp A2-2768
Fix date
Issue unique id: lebeau-paul-1868-12-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1868-12-19 08:15
A2: 1868-12-19 08:16:56
Louis Leblanc
1827-09-03 21:00
lerrcp A2-407
muller M5-588
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: leblanc-louis-1827-09-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Emmanuel Leclainche
1861-08-29 06:01
g55 09-163
lerrcp A2-2775
Fix date
Issue unique id: leclainche-emmanuel-1861-08-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1861-08-29 06:00
A2: 1861-08-29 06:01
Marie Leconte
1858-11-08 05:02
g55 04-441
lerrcp A3-709
Fix date
Issue unique id: leconte-marie-1858-11-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1858-11-08 05:00
A3: 1858-11-08 05:02
Lecoq Bois Baudran Francois
1838-04-18 20:58
g55 09-167
lerrcp A2-2779
Fix date
Issue unique id: lecoq-bois-baudran-francois-1838-04-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1838-04-18 21:00
A2: 1838-04-18 20:58
Charles Ledoux
1892-10-27 03:00
cfepp CF-246
cpara CP-275
ertel ES-2426
g55 03-96
lerrcp A1-639
Fix date
Issue unique id: ledoux-charles-1892-10-27--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1892-10-27 02:50:40 for g5 ES-2426
1892-10-27 02:51 for CFEPP 246
Ferdinand Le Drogo
1903-10-10 07:00
cfepp CF-327
ertel ES-2403
g55 03-164
lerrcp A1-843
Fix date
Issue unique id: le-drogo-ferdinand-1903-10-10--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1903-10-10 06:50:40 for g5 ES-2403
1903-10-10 06:51 for CFEPP 327
Roland Lefevre
1914-10-28 03:00
cfepp CF-513
ertel ES-2434
lerrcp A1-1933
Fix date
Issue unique id: lefevre-roland-1936-09-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1936-09-19 20:30 for g5 ES-2434
1914-10-28 03:00 for CFEPP 513
Roland Lefevre
1914-10-28 03:00
cfepp CF-513
ertel ES-2434
lerrcp A1-1933
Fix date
Issue unique id: lefevre-roland-1936-09-19--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1936-09-19 19:30 for g5 ES-2434
1914-10-28 03:00 for CFEPP 513
Louis Le Gendre
1854-01-30 17:00
lerrcp A2-414
muller M5-583
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: le-gendre-louis-1854-01-30--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Louis Legrand
1863-09-28 23:44:56
g55 05-160
lerrcp A4-638
Fix date
Issue unique id: legrand-louis-1863-09-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1863-09-28 23:45
A4: 1863-09-28 23:44:56
Theophile Legry
1858-02-28 02:00
lerrcp A2-417
muller M5-599
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: legry-theophile-1858-02-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Frédéric Lemaitre
1800-07-28 11:56:06
g55 07-89
lerrcp A5-488
Fix date
Issue unique id: lemaitre-frederic-1800-07-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1800-07-28 12:00
A5: 1800-07-28 11:56:06
Roger Lemerre
1941-06-18 11:00
cfepp CF-514
ertel ES-2454
lerrcp D6-251
Fix date
Issue unique id: lemerre-roger-1941-06-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1941-06-18 03:00 for g5 ES-2454
1941-06-18 11:00 for CFEPP 514
André Lemierre
1875-07-30 03:00
lerrcp A2-424
muller M5-608
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lemierre-andre-1875-07-30--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Henri Lemoine
1909-06-17 21:00
cfepp CF-332
ertel ES-2455
g55 03-165
lerrcp A1-845
Fix date
Issue unique id: lemoine-henri-1909-06-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1909-06-17 20:50:40 for g5 ES-2455
1909-06-17 20:51 for CFEPP 332
Philippe Le Molt
1895-03-26 13:10
g55 06-258
lerrcp E3-936
Fix date
Issue unique id: le-molt-philippe-1895-03-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP E3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1895-03-26 13:00
E3: 1895-03-26 13:10
Jean Lenegre
1904-03-25 13:00
lerrcp E1-1267
muller M5-610
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lenegre-jean-1904-03-25--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Paul Le Noir
1863-02-08 03:00
lerrcp A2-427
muller M5-585
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: le-noir-paul-1863-02-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Michel Leon-Kindberg
1883-12-13 05:55:34
g55 02-314
lerrcp A2-1104
Fix date
Issue unique id: leon-kindberg-michel-1883-12-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1883-12-13 06:00
A2: 1883-12-13 05:55:34
Jean Lépine
1876-12-05 13:00
lerrcp A2-429
muller M5-615
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: lepine-jean-1876-12-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Yan Le Quellec
1902-05-03 12:00
ertel ES-2408
g55 03-301
lerrcp A1-1696
Fix date
Issue unique id: le-quellec-yan-1902-05-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1902-05-03 01:00
A1: 1902-05-03 12:00
Georges Leroy
1861-04-22 01:56:06
g55 02-319
lerrcp A2-1110
Fix date
Issue unique id: leroy-georges-1861-04-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1861-04-22 02:00
A2: 1861-04-22 01:56:06
Gustave Le Senechal
1840-10-09 07:40
g55 05-653
lerrcp A4-668
Fix date
Issue unique id: le-senechal-gustave-1840-10-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1840-10-09 07:45
A4: 1840-10-09 07:40
Jean Lesueur
1910-06-24 05:40
cfepp CF-1037
ertel ES-2471
g55 03-455
lerrcp A1-2065
Fix date
Issue unique id: lesueur-jean-1910-06-24--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1910-06-24 05:30:40 for g5 ES-2471
1910-06-24 05:31 for CFEPP 1037
Alfred Letourneur
1907-07-25 13:00
cfepp CF-335
ertel ES-2476
g55 03-168
lerrcp A1-849
Fix date
Issue unique id: letourneur-alfred-1907-07-25--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1907-07-25 12:50:40 for g5 ES-2476
1907-07-25 12:51 for CFEPP 335
Jean Levieux
1818-02-23 12:00
g55 01-337
lerrcp A2-438
muller M5-631
Fix date
Issue unique id: levieux-jean-1818-11-23--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1818-11-23 for Gauquelin A2-438
1818-02-23 for Müller M5-631
Jean Levieux
1818-02-23 12:00
g55 01-337
lerrcp A2-438
muller M5-631
Fix date
Issue unique id: levieux-jean-1818-02-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1818-11-23 12:00
A2: 1818-02-23 12:00
André Lhote
1885-07-05 21:55:17
g55 05-167
lerrcp A4-678
Fix date
Issue unique id: lhote-andre-1885-07-05--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1885-07-05 22:00
A4: 1885-07-05 21:55:17
Pierre Ligier
1796-11-10 18:55:17
g55 07-93
lerrcp A5-502
Fix date
Issue unique id: ligier-pierre-1796-11-10--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1796-11-10 19:00
A5: 1796-11-10 18:55:17
Maximilien Paul Emile Littré
1801-02-01 10:00
lerrcp A2-445
muller M5-640
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a2-445-1801-02-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Maurice Loeper
1875-12-27 23:00
lerrcp A2-448
muller M5-643
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: loeper-maurice-1875-12-27--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jean Loir
1816-07-18 01:00
lerrcp A2-450
muller M5-645
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: loir-jean-1816-07-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Pia Lombardi Colini
muller M1-100-257
Italian writers
Issue unique id: lombardi-colini-pia-1903-04-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Marcel Loncle
1936-01-05 16:30
cfepp CF-517
ertel ES-2514
lerrcp D6-253
Fix date
Issue unique id: loncle-marcel-1936-01-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1936-01-05 16:00 for g5 ES-2514
1936-01-05 16:30 for CFEPP 517
Lotin De Laval Pierre
1810-09-19 16:03:08
g55 05-664
lerrcp A4-685
Fix date
Issue unique id: lotin-de-laval-pierre-1810-09-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1810-09-19 16:00
A4: 1810-09-19 16:03:08
Charly Loubet
1946-01-28 03:30
cfepp CF-519
ertel ES-2535
lerrcp D6-257
Fix date
Issue unique id: loubet-charly-1946-01-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1946-01-21 03:30 for g5 ES-2535
1946-01-28 03:30 for CFEPP 519
Pierre Louis
1911-01-26 11:00
cfepp CF-247
ertel ES-2537
g55 03-97
lerrcp A1-642
Fix date
Issue unique id: louis-pierre-1911-01-26--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1911-01-26 10:50:40 for g5 ES-2537
1911-01-26 10:51 for CFEPP 247