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Issues in Open Gauquelin database

Issues are potential individual problematic cases
Current page shows 2328 issues identified (and needing a resolution) in the Open Gauquelin database.
Person Cy Ids Related
wiki project
Brice Bizot
1848-04-14 09:04:59
g55 04-203
lerrcp A3-239
Fix date
Issue unique id: bizot-brice-1848-04-14--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1848-04-14 09:00
A3: 1848-04-14 09:04:59
René Blache
1839-04-10 23:20
lerrcp A2-74
muller M5-99
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: blache-rene-1839-04-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Antoine Blanche
1820-10-01 11:00
lerrcp A2-77
muller M5-104
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: blanche-antoine-1820-10-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jean Blanchet
1834-05-16 16:59
g55 04-212
lerrcp A3-249
Fix date
Issue unique id: blanchet-jean-1834-05-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1834-05-16 17:00
A3: 1834-05-16 16:59
François Blanchy
1886-12-12 09:00
cfepp CF-1020
ertel ES-468
g55 03-444
lerrcp A1-2044
Fix date
Issue unique id: blanchy-francois-1886-12-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1886-12-12 08:57:36 for g5 ES-468
1886-12-12 09:02 for CFEPP 1020
Ferdinand Blazer
1857-09-09 10:33:04
g55 04-213
lerrcp A3-253
Fix date
Issue unique id: blazer-ferdinand-1857-09-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1857-09-09 10:30
A3: 1857-09-09 10:33:04
Nicolas Blondlot
1808-02-04 16:00
lerrcp A2-80
muller M5-107
Fix date
Issue unique id: blondlot-nicolas-1808-02-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1808-02-05 for Gauquelin A2-80
1808-02-04 for Müller M5-107
Hyppolite Blot
1822-06-14 03:00
lerrcp A2-81
muller M5-108
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: blot-hyppolite-1822-06-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Omer Blot
1824-11-27 07:03:02
g55 04-219
lerrcp A3-259
Fix date
Issue unique id: blot-omer-1824-11-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1824-11-27 07:00
A3: 1824-11-27 07:03:02
Jean Boccardo
1942-03-16 18:00
cfepp CF-19
cpara CP-56
ertel ES-484
lerrcp A1-13
Issue unique id:
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Timezone offset not computed because of potential error: French or German TZ regime ?
1940-02 - 1942-11-02: WW2 - Timezone offset depends on the date of occupation of birth place by Germany.
Jean Boccardo
1942-03-16 18:00
cfepp CF-19
cpara CP-56
ertel ES-484
lerrcp A1-13
Fix date
Issue unique id: boccardo-jean-1942-03-06--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1942-03-06 17:00:00 for g5 ES-484
1942-03-16 16:00 for CFEPP 19
Jean Boccardo
1942-03-16 18:00
cfepp CF-19
cpara CP-56
ertel ES-484
lerrcp A1-13
Fix date
Issue unique id: boccardo-jean-1942-03-06--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1942-03-06 18:00 for g5 ES-484
1942-03-16 18:00 for CFEPP 19
Arnaldo Bocelli
muller M1-100-60
Italian writers
Issue unique id: bocelli-arnaldo-1900-06-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Paul Boeckel
1916-03-14 16:00
cfepp CF-20
ertel ES-493
g55 03-4
lerrcp A1-14
Fix date
Issue unique id: boeckel-paul-1916-03-14--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1916-03-14 05:00 for g5 ES-493
1916-03-14 16:00 for CFEPP 20
Paul Boeckel
1916-03-14 16:00
cfepp CF-20
ertel ES-493
g55 03-4
lerrcp A1-14
Fix date
Issue unique id: boeckel-paul-1916-03-14--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1916-03-14 05:00
A1: 1916-03-14 16:00
Paul Boeckel
1916-03-14 16:00
cfepp CF-20
ertel ES-493
g55 03-4
lerrcp A1-14
Fix date
Issue unique id: boeckel-paul-1916-03-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1916-03-14 05:00 for g5 ES-493
1916-03-14 16:00 for CFEPP 20
Paul Boigues
1864-05-27 03:26:06
g55 04-227
lerrcp A3-269
Fix date
Issue unique id: boigues-paul-1864-05-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1864-05-27 03:30
A3: 1864-05-27 03:26:06
Joseph Boisfleury
1871-03-27 06:55:20
g55 04-232
lerrcp A3-274
Fix date
Issue unique id: boisfleury-joseph-1871-03-27--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1871-03-27 07:00
A3: 1871-03-27 06:55:20
Joseph Bonnat
1833-06-20 14:25:34
g55 05-31
lerrcp A4-141
Fix date
Issue unique id: bonnat-joseph-1833-06-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1833-06-20 14:30
A4: 1833-06-20 14:25:34
Henri Bonnefoy
1839-04-04 03:55:23
g55 05-340
lerrcp A4-142
Fix date
Issue unique id: bonnefoy-henri-1839-04-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1839-04-04 04:00
A4: 1839-04-04 03:55:23
Bruneau Ferdin. Bonnet
1864-03-14 00:55:07
g55 04-256
lerrcp A3-302
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a3-302-1864-03-14--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1864-03-14 01:00
A3: 1864-03-14 00:55:07
François Borde
1899-12-08 11:00
cfepp CF-821
cpara CP-67
ertel ES-567
lerrcp A1-1836
Fix date
Issue unique id: borde-francois-1899-12-08--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-12-08 10:50:40 for g5 ES-567
1899-12-08 10:51 for CFEPP 821
Léon Bornenave
1920-05-11 18:00
cfepp CF-822
cpara CP-68
ertel ES-572
g55 03-374
lerrcp A1-1837
Fix date
Issue unique id: bornenave-leon-1920-05-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1922-05-11 18:00
A1: 1920-05-11 18:00
Léon Bornenave
1920-05-11 18:00
cfepp CF-822
cpara CP-68
ertel ES-572
g55 03-374
lerrcp A1-1837
Fix date
Issue unique id: bornenave-leon-1922-05-11--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1922-05-11 18:00 for g5 ES-572
1920-05-11 18:00 for CFEPP 822
Léon Bornenave
1920-05-11 18:00
cfepp CF-822
cpara CP-68
ertel ES-572
g55 03-374
lerrcp A1-1837
Fix date
Issue unique id: bornenave-leon-1922-05-11--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1922-05-11 17:00 for g5 ES-572
1920-05-11 17:00 for CFEPP 822
Mario Borretti
muller M1-100-68
Italian writers
Issue unique id: borretti-mario-1905-11-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Jean Bosc
1804-08-16 09:55:23
g55 04-275
lerrcp A3-324
Fix date
Issue unique id: bosc-jean-1804-08-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-08-16 10:00
A3: 1804-08-16 09:55:23
Gustave Bouchardat
1842-06-04 08:00
lerrcp A2-90
muller M5-124
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: bouchardat-gustave-1842-06-04--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Charles Bouchard
1837-09-06 08:00
g55 01-67
lerrcp A2-87
muller M5-121
Fix date
Issue unique id: bouchard-charles-1837-09-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1837-09-06 03:00
A2: 1837-09-06 08:00
Henri Bouchard
1833-12-18 08:00
g55 01-68
lerrcp A2-88
muller M5-122
Fix date
Issue unique id: bouchard-henri-1833-12-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1833-12-18 01:00
A2: 1833-12-18 08:00
Achille Bouchez
1856-06-24 01:56:16
g55 04-288
lerrcp A3-339
Fix date
Issue unique id: bouchez-achille-1856-06-24--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1856-06-24 02:00
A3: 1856-06-24 01:56:16
Roger Boucomont
1902-11-19 08:45
g55 02-73
lerrcp A2-830
Fix date
Issue unique id: boucomont-roger-1902-11-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1902-10-19 08:45
A2: 1902-11-19 08:45
Boue De Lapeyrere Auguste
1852-01-18 02:04:40
g55 04-291
lerrcp A3-344
Fix date
Issue unique id: boue-de-lapeyrere-auguste-1852-01-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1852-01-18 02:00
A3: 1852-01-18 02:04:40
Alexandre Bouet
1833-12-06 14:25:34
g55 04-293
lerrcp A3-346
Fix date
Issue unique id: bouet-alexandre-1833-12-06--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1833-12-06 14:30
A3: 1833-12-06 14:25:34
René Bougnol
1911-01-07 16:00
cfepp CF-387
cpara CP-70
ertel ES-597
g55 03-205
lerrcp A1-1228
Fix date
Issue unique id: bougnol-rene-1911-01-07--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1911-01-07 15:50:40 for g5 ES-597
1911-01-07 15:51 for CFEPP 387
Georges Boulanger
1837-04-29 08:14:58
g55 04-294
lerrcp A3-350
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulanger-georges-1837-04-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1837-04-29 08:15
A3: 1837-04-29 08:14:58
Georges Boulanger
1837-04-29 08:14:58
g55 04-294
lerrcp A3-350
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulanger-georges-1837-04-29--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because E3 and other Gauquelin file differ
1837-04-29 08:15 for Gauquelin E3
1837-04-29 08:14:58 for other Gauquelin file
Pierre Boulanger
1908-05-07 13:00
g55 07-443
lerrcp E1-218
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulanger-pierre-1908-05-07--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP E1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1908-05-07 13:30
E1: 1908-05-07 13:00
Philippe Boulart
1918-08-29 22:00
cfepp CF-575
ertel ES-600
g55 03-296
lerrcp A1-1692
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulart-philippe-1918-08-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1918-08-29 20:00
A1: 1918-08-29 22:00
Philippe Boulart
1918-08-29 22:00
cfepp CF-575
ertel ES-600
g55 03-296
lerrcp A1-1692
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulart-philippe-1918-08-29--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1918-08-29 19:00 for g5 ES-600
1918-08-29 21:00 for CFEPP 575
Philippe Boulart
1918-08-29 22:00
cfepp CF-575
ertel ES-600
g55 03-296
lerrcp A1-1692
Fix date
Issue unique id: boulart-philippe-1918-08-29--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1918-08-29 20:00 for g5 ES-600
1918-08-29 22:00 for CFEPP 575
Paul Bourillon
1877-01-14 04:00
cfepp CF-281
cpara CP-75
ertel ES-613
g55 03-120
lerrcp A1-788
Fix date
Issue unique id: bourillon-paul-1877-01-14--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1877-01-14 03:57:28 for g5 ES-613
1877-01-14 03:59 for CFEPP 281
Paul Bourquard
1937-03-05 23:15
cfepp CF-388
ertel ES-617
Fix date
Issue unique id: bourquard-paul-1937-03-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1937-03-15 for g5 ES-617
1937-03-05 23:15 for CFEPP 388
Christian Boussus
1908-03-05 05:00
cfepp CF-1022
cpara CP-78
ertel ES-622
g55 03-447
lerrcp A1-2047
Fix date
Issue unique id: boussus-christian-1908-03-05--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1908-03-05 04:50:40 for g5 ES-622
1908-03-05 04:51 for CFEPP 1022
Jean Boyer
1901-02-17 11:00
cfepp CF-446
cpara CP-79
ertel ES-631
g55 03-232
lerrcp A1-1270
Fix date
Issue unique id: boyer-jean-1901-02-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1901-02-13 11:00
A1: 1901-02-17 11:00
Jean Boyer
1901-02-17 11:00
cfepp CF-446
cpara CP-79
ertel ES-631
g55 03-232
lerrcp A1-1270
Fix date
Issue unique id: boyer-jean-1901-02-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1901-02-13 10:50:40 for g5 ES-631
1901-02-17 10:51 for CFEPP 446
Jean Boyer
1901-02-17 11:00
cfepp CF-446
cpara CP-79
ertel ES-631
g55 03-232
lerrcp A1-1270
Fix date
Issue unique id: boyer-jean-1901-02-13--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1901-02-13 11:00 for g5 ES-631
1901-02-17 11:00 for CFEPP 446
Guido Brancoli
muller M1-100-71
Italian writers
Issue unique id: brancoli-guido-1886-05-04--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Georges Braque
1882-05-13 21:00
g55 05-36
lerrcp A4-159
muller M2-75
Fix date
Issue unique id: braque-georges-1882-05-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1882-05-09 02:30
A4: 1882-05-13 21:00
Jacques Brascassat
1804-08-30 20:55:17
g55 05-35
lerrcp A4-160
Fix date
Issue unique id: brascassat-jacques-1804-08-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1804-08-30 21:00
A4: 1804-08-30 20:55:17
Yvonne Brassart
1904-03-01 18:50
cfepp CF-1097
ertel ES-653
g55 03-434
lerrcp A1-1731
Fix date
Issue unique id: brassart-yvonne-1904-03-01--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1904-03-01 06:50 for g5 ES-653
1904-03-01 18:50 for CFEPP 1097
Yvonne Brassart
1904-03-01 18:50
cfepp CF-1097
ertel ES-653
g55 03-434
lerrcp A1-1731
Fix date
Issue unique id: brassart-yvonne-1904-03-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1904-03-01 06:50
A1: 1904-03-01 18:50
Yvonne Brassart
1904-03-01 18:50
cfepp CF-1097
ertel ES-653
g55 03-434
lerrcp A1-1731
Fix date
Issue unique id: brassart-yvonne-1904-03-01--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-03-01 06:40:40 for g5 ES-653
1904-03-01 18:41 for CFEPP 1097
Pierre Brasseur
1905-12-22 21:30
g55 07-159
lerrcp A5-132
Fix date
Issue unique id: brasseur-pierre-1905-12-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1905-12-22 09:30
A5: 1905-12-22 21:30
Jacques Bresse
1822-10-09 21:56:38
g55 09-34
lerrcp A2-2600
Fix date
Issue unique id: bresse-jacques-1822-10-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1822-10-09 22:00
A2: 1822-10-09 21:56:38
Brown Colstoun Louis
1835-04-08 22:55:17
g55 04-302
lerrcp A3-372
Fix date
Issue unique id: brown-colstoun-louis-1835-04-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1835-04-08 23:00
A3: 1835-04-08 22:55:17
Ford Brown
1821-04-16 15:56:22
g55 05-42
lerrcp A4-169
Fix date
Issue unique id: brown-ford-1821-04-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1821-04-16 16:00
A4: 1821-04-16 15:56:22
Louis Alfred Brunet-debaines
1845-11-05 20:56:06
g55 05-355
lerrcp A4-170
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-170-1845-11-05--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1845-11-05 21:00
A4: 1845-11-05 20:56:06
Georges Buchard
1893-12-21 06:00
cfepp CF-390
cpara CP-87
ertel ES-706
g55 03-206
lerrcp A1-1229
Fix date
Issue unique id: buchard-georges-1893-12-21--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1893-12-21 05:50:40 for g5 ES-706
1893-12-21 05:51 for CFEPP 390
Henri Buignet
1815-03-01 23:00
g55 01-91
lerrcp A2-117
muller M5-157
Fix date
Issue unique id: buignet-henri-1815-03-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1815-03-02 for Gauquelin A2-117
1815-03-01 for Müller M5-157
Henri Buignet
1815-03-01 23:00
g55 01-91
lerrcp A2-117
muller M5-157
Fix date
Issue unique id: buignet-henri-1815-03-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1815-03-02 06:00
A2: 1815-03-01 23:00
Etienne Burnet
1873-10-11 12:00
g55 01-94
lerrcp A2-120
muller M5-160
Fix date
Issue unique id: burnet-etienne-1873-10-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1873-10-11 13:00
A2: 1873-10-11 12:00
Patrick Burtshell
1946-11-22 02:30
cfepp CF-634
ertel ES-738
lerrcp D6-78
Fix date
Issue unique id: burtshell-patrick-1946-09-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1946-09-22 02:30 for g5 ES-738
1946-11-22 02:30 for CFEPP 634
Hector Busquet
1879-11-21 05:04:40
g55 02-96
lerrcp A2-855
Fix date
Issue unique id: busquet-hector-1879-11-21--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1879-11-21 05:00
A2: 1879-11-21 05:04:40
Jean Butin
1925-09-20 20:00
cfepp CF-635
ertel ES-752
g55 03-314
lerrcp A1-1732
Fix date
Issue unique id: butin-jean-1925-09-20--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1925-09-20 08:00 for g5 ES-752
1925-09-20 20:00 for CFEPP 635
Jean Butin
1925-09-20 20:00
cfepp CF-635
ertel ES-752
g55 03-314
lerrcp A1-1732
Fix date
Issue unique id: butin-jean-1925-09-20--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1925-09-20 07:00 for g5 ES-752
1925-09-20 19:00 for CFEPP 635
Jean Butin
1925-09-20 20:00
cfepp CF-635
ertel ES-752
g55 03-314
lerrcp A1-1732
Fix date
Issue unique id: butin-jean-1925-09-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1925-09-20 08:00
A1: 1925-09-20 20:00
Paolo Buzzi
muller M1-100-78
Italian writers
Issue unique id: buzzi-paolo-1874-02-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Jules Cadenat
1885-09-18 22:00
cfepp CF-1107
cpara CP-91
ertel ES-771
g55 03-376
lerrcp A1-1848
Fix date
Issue unique id: cadenat-jules-1885-09-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1885-09-18 21:44:28 for g5 ES-771
1885-09-18 21:47 for CFEPP 1107
Ernest Cadine
1893-07-12 06:00
cfepp CF-606
cpara CP-92
ertel ES-773
g55 03-356
lerrcp A1-1713
Fix date
Issue unique id: cadine-ernest-1893-07-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1893-07-12 05:50:40 for g5 ES-773
1893-07-12 05:51 for CFEPP 606
Pierre Cahuzac
1927-07-03 22:00
cfepp CF-451
ertel ES-776
lerrcp D6-82
Fix date
Issue unique id: cahuzac-pierre-1927-07-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1927-07-03 02:00 for g5 ES-776
1927-07-03 22:00 for CFEPP 451
Antonin Calbet
1860-08-16 01:01
g55 05-49
lerrcp A4-179
Fix date
Issue unique id: calbet-antonin-1860-08-16--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1860-08-16 01:00
A4: 1860-08-16 01:01
Jean Calve
1925-09-23 22:25
g55 07-372
lerrcp A5-149
Fix date
Issue unique id: calve-jean-1925-09-23--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1925-09-23 22:15.
A5: 1925-09-23 22:25
Fernand Camicas
1899-05-07 04:00
cfepp CF-835
cpara CP-95
ertel ES-798
lerrcp A1-1854
Fix date
Issue unique id: camicas-fernand-1899-05-07--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-05-07 03:50:40 for g5 ES-798
1899-05-07 03:51 for CFEPP 835
André Campaes
1944-04-30 08:00
cfepp CF-836
ertel ES-800
lerrcp D6-85
Fix date
Issue unique id: campaes-andre-1944-03-30--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1944-03-30 08:00 for g5 ES-800
1944-04-30 08:00 for CFEPP 836
Achille Campanile
muller M1-100-85
Italian writers
Issue unique id: campanile-achille-1900-09-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Ezio Camuncoli
muller M1-100-86
Italian writers
Issue unique id: camuncoli-ezio-1895-02-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Francesco Cangiullo
muller M1-100-87
Italian writers
Issue unique id: cangiullo-francesco-1888-01-27--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Joseph Capitan
1854-04-19 01:00
lerrcp A2-126
muller M5-168
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: capitan-joseph-1854-04-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Giulio Caprin
muller M1-100-93
Italian writers
Issue unique id: caprin-giulio-1880-03-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Decio Carli
muller M1-100-98
Italian writers
Issue unique id: carli-decio-1892-11-24--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Mario Carl-Rosa
1853-10-29 16:59
g55 05-366
lerrcp A4-186
Fix date
Issue unique id: carl-rosa-mario-1853-10-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1853-10-29 17:00
A4: 1853-10-29 16:59
Henry Caro-Delvaille
1876-07-09 03:55:34
g55 05-365
lerrcp A4-187
Fix date
Issue unique id: caro-delvaille-henry-1876-07-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1876-07-09 04:00
A4: 1876-07-09 03:55:34
Henri Paul Edmond Caron
1860-05-09 06:13:09
g55 05-364
lerrcp A4-189
Fix date
Issue unique id: gauquelin-a4-189-1860-05-09--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1860-05-09 06:15
A4: 1860-05-09 06:13:09
Lucien Caron
1916-12-16 03:00
cfepp CF-838
ertel ES-853
Fix date
Issue unique id: caron-lucien-1916-12-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1916-12-03 for g5 ES-853
1916-12-16 03:00 for CFEPP 838
Georges Carpentier
1894-01-12 18:00
cfepp CF-232
cpara CP-99
ertel ES-856
g55 03-84
lerrcp A1-581
Fix date
Issue unique id: carpentier-georges-1894-01-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-01-12 17:50:40 for g5 ES-856
1894-01-12 17:51 for CFEPP 232
William Carpentier
1887-11-01 06:56:06
g55 02-110
lerrcp A2-869
Fix date
Issue unique id: carpentier-william-1887-11-01--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1887-01-01 07:00
A2: 1887-11-01 06:56:06
Giovanni Castellano
muller M1-100-102
Italian writers
Issue unique id: castellano-giovanni-1878-02-06--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Odette Casteur
1927-11-11 22:53
cfepp CF-682
ertel ES-894
g55 03-435
lerrcp A1-1761
Fix date
Issue unique id: casteur-odette-1927-11-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1927-11-11 23:53
A1: 1927-11-11 22:53
Louis Catrin
1849-06-14 01:00
lerrcp A2-133
muller M5-177
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: catrin-louis-1849-06-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Philippe Cattiau
1892-07-28 10:30
cfepp CF-392
cpara CP-102
ertel ES-903
g55 03-208
lerrcp A1-1231
Fix date
Issue unique id: cattiau-philippe-1892-07-28--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1892-07-28 10:20:40 for g5 ES-903
1892-07-28 10:21 for CFEPP 392
Jean Caujolle
1888-07-31 12:00
cfepp CF-841
cpara CP-103
ertel ES-909
lerrcp A1-1861
Fix date
Issue unique id: caujolle-jean-1888-07-31--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1888-07-31 11:53:40 for g5 ES-909
1888-07-31 11:55 for CFEPP 841
M.F. Claudio Cavalcabo
muller M1-100-104
Italian writers
Issue unique id: cavalcabo-m-f-claudio-1889-10-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Eugène Caventou
1824-10-15 15:00
lerrcp A2-134
muller M5-180
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: caventou-eugene-1824-10-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jean Cazin
1841-05-25 17:55:55
g55 05-51
lerrcp A4-198
Fix date
Issue unique id: cazin-jean-1841-05-25--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1841-05-25 18:00
A4: 1841-05-25 17:55:55
Nicola Celentano
muller M1-100-108
Italian writers
Issue unique id: celentano-nicola-1902-12-23--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Auguste Chaix
1860-11-03 10:56:38
g55 05-378
lerrcp A4-206
Fix date
Issue unique id: chaix-auguste-1860-11-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1860-11-03 17:00
A4: 1860-11-03 10:56:38
Charles Chamberland
1851-03-12 07:00
g55 01-109
lerrcp A2-141
muller M5-189
Fix date
Issue unique id: chamberland-charles-1851-03-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1851-03-12 10:00
A2: 1851-03-12 07:00
Maurice Charbonnel
1884-12-17 00:55:17
g55 02-126
lerrcp A2-883
Fix date
Issue unique id: charbonnel-maurice-1884-12-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1884-12-17 01:00
A2: 1884-12-17 00:55:17
L Charcellay-Laplace
1809-10-30 04:00
g55 01-112
lerrcp A2-144
muller M5-193
Fix date
Issue unique id: charcellay-laplace-l-1809-10-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1809-10-31 04:00
A2: 1809-10-30 04:00