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Issues in Open Gauquelin database

Issues are potential individual problematic cases
Current page shows 2328 issues identified (and needing a resolution) in the Open Gauquelin database.
Person Cy Ids Related
wiki project
Joseph Nicolas
1868-08-11 11:00
lerrcp A2-535
muller M5-768
Fix date
Issue unique id: nicolas-joseph-1868-04-11--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1868-04-11 for Gauquelin A2-535
1868-08-11 for Müller M5-768
Paul Nicolas
1899-11-04 23:00
cfepp CF-530
cpara CP-324
ertel ES-3032
lerrcp A1-1352
Fix date
Issue unique id: nicolas-paul-1899-11-04--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-11-04 22:50:40 for g5 ES-3032
1899-11-04 22:51 for CFEPP 530
Charles Nicolle
1866-09-21 05:00
g55 01-411
lerrcp A2-536
muller M5-770
Fix date
Issue unique id: nicolle-charles-1866-09-21--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1866-09-21 10:15
A2: 1866-09-21 05:00
Robert Nivelle
1856-10-15 23:00
g55 04-501
lerrcp A3-828
Fix date
Issue unique id: nivelle-robert-1856-10-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1856-10-15 12:00
A3: 1856-10-15 23:00
Pierre Nobécourt
1871-12-28 11:00
lerrcp A2-538
muller M5-772
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: nobecourt-pierre-1871-12-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Jules Noel
1903-01-27 11:00
cfepp CF-108
cpara CP-325
ertel ES-3042
g55 03-22
lerrcp A1-64
Fix date
Issue unique id: noel-jules-1903-01-27--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1903-01-27 10:50:40 for g5 ES-3042
1903-01-27 10:51 for CFEPP 108
Augustin Normand
1839-10-04 06:56:06
g55 09-201
lerrcp A2-2827
Fix date
Issue unique id: normand-augustin-1839-10-04--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1839-10-04 07:00
A2: 1839-10-04 06:56:06
Alphonse Notta
1824-02-26 11:00
g55 01-414
lerrcp A2-540
muller M5-774
Fix date
Issue unique id: notta-alphonse-1824-02-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1824-02-27 11:00
A2: 1824-02-26 11:00
Alphonse Notta
1824-02-26 11:00
g55 01-414
lerrcp A2-540
muller M5-774
Fix date
Issue unique id: notta-alphonse-1824-02-27--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1824-02-27 for Gauquelin A2-540
1824-02-26 for Müller M5-774
(Lapeyre) Oleo
1906-06-19 12:00
g55 07-285
lerrcp A5-597
Fix date
Issue unique id: oleo-lapeyre-1906-06-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1906-06-19 -12:00
A5: 1906-06-19 12:00
Leopold Ollier
1830-12-02 22:00
g55 01-416
lerrcp A2-542
muller M5-779
Fix date
Issue unique id: ollier-leopold-1830-12-02--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1830-12-03 22:00
A2: 1830-12-02 22:00
Leopold Ollier
1830-12-02 22:00
g55 01-416
lerrcp A2-542
muller M5-779
Fix date
Issue unique id: ollier-leopold-1830-12-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1830-12-03 for Gauquelin A2-542
1830-12-02 for Müller M5-779
Louis Ombrédanne
1871-03-05 08:00
lerrcp A2-545
muller M5-784
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: ombredanne-louis-1871-03-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
M. Emanuele Orano
muller M1-100-318
Italian writers
Issue unique id: orano-m-emanuele-1886-03-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Robert Oubron
1913-04-18 09:30
cfepp CF-351
cpara CP-328
ertel ES-3109
g55 03-181
lerrcp A1-862
Fix date
Issue unique id: oubron-robert-1913-04-18--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1913-04-18 12:00 for g5 ES-3109
1913-04-18 09:30 for CFEPP 351
Robert Oubron
1913-04-18 09:30
cfepp CF-351
cpara CP-328
ertel ES-3109
g55 03-181
lerrcp A1-862
Fix date
Issue unique id: oubron-robert-1913-04-18--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1913-04-18 12:00
A1: 1913-04-18 09:30
Robert Oubron
1913-04-18 09:30
cfepp CF-351
cpara CP-328
ertel ES-3109
g55 03-181
lerrcp A1-862
Fix date
Issue unique id: oubron-robert-1913-04-18--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1913-04-18 12:00 for g5 ES-3109
1913-04-18 09:30 for CFEPP 351
Nathan Oulmont
1815-03-29 00:30
g55 01-421
lerrcp A2-548
muller M5-788
Fix date
Issue unique id: oulmont-nathan-1815-03-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1815-03-29 08:30
A2: 1815-03-29 00:30
Georges Paillard
1904-02-12 23:00
cfepp CF-352
cpara CP-331
ertel ES-3123
g55 03-182
lerrcp A1-863
Fix date
Issue unique id: paillard-georges-1904-02-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-02-12 22:50:40 for g5 ES-3123
1904-02-12 22:51 for CFEPP 352
Aldo Palazzeschi
muller M1-100-324
Italian writers
Issue unique id: palazzeschi-aldo-1885-02-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Jean Paredes
1914-10-17 02:00
g55 07-294
lerrcp A5-607
Fix date
Issue unique id: paredes-jean-1914-10-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A5 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1914-10-07 02:00
A5: 1914-10-17 02:00
Jean Parise
1815-08-28 10:56:50
g55 01-424
lerrcp A2-551
Fix date
Issue unique id: parise-jean-1815-08-28--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1815-08-28 11:00
A2: 1815-08-28 10:56:50
J Pascau
1875-04-15 01:55:34
g55 05-773
lerrcp A4-847
Fix date
Issue unique id: pascau-j-1875-04-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1875-04-15 02:00
A4: 1875-04-15 01:55:34
Tullio Pascucci
muller M1-100-332
Italian writers
Issue unique id: pascucci-tullio-1901-08-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Fenelon Passaga
1863-12-03 05:14:56
g55 04-505
lerrcp A3-845
Fix date
Issue unique id: passaga-fenelon-1863-12-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1863-12-03 05:15
A3: 1863-12-03 05:14:56
Angelo Patri
muller M1-100-335
Italian writers
Issue unique id: patri-angelo-1876-11-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Charles Paul
1833-07-02 10:30
lerrcp A2-558
muller M5-801
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: paul-charles-1833-07-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Robert Paul
1910-04-20 21:00
cfepp CF-113
cpara CP-333
ertel ES-3170
g55 03-23
lerrcp A1-65
Fix date
Issue unique id: paul-robert-1910-04-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1910-04-22 10:00
A1: 1910-04-20 21:00
Robert Paul
1910-04-20 21:00
cfepp CF-113
cpara CP-333
ertel ES-3170
g55 03-23
lerrcp A1-65
Fix date
Issue unique id: paul-robert-1910-04-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1910-04-22 10:00 for g5 ES-3170
1910-04-20 21:00 for CFEPP 113
Robert Paul
1910-04-20 21:00
cfepp CF-113
cpara CP-333
ertel ES-3170
g55 03-23
lerrcp A1-65
Fix date
Issue unique id: paul-robert-1910-04-22--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1910-04-22 09:50:40 for g5 ES-3170
1910-04-20 20:51 for CFEPP 113
Henri Pavillard
1905-08-15 02:00
cfepp CF-531
cpara CP-334
ertel ES-3175
g55 03-273
lerrcp A1-1355
Fix date
Issue unique id: pavillard-henri-1905-08-15--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1905-08-15 01:50:40 for g5 ES-3175
1905-08-15 01:51 for CFEPP 531
Enrico Pea
muller M1-100-337
Italian writers
Issue unique id: pea-enrico-1881-10-29--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Francis Pelissier
1894-06-13 13:00
cfepp CF-355
cpara CP-336
ertel ES-3192
lerrcp A1-864
Fix date
Issue unique id: pelissier-francis-1894-06-13--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1894-06-13 01:00 for g5 ES-3192
1894-06-13 13:00 for CFEPP 355
Francis Pelissier
1894-06-13 13:00
cfepp CF-355
cpara CP-336
ertel ES-3192
lerrcp A1-864
Fix date
Issue unique id: pelissier-francis-1894-06-13--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-06-13 00:50:40 for g5 ES-3192
1894-06-13 12:51 for CFEPP 355
Louis Pénard
1819-12-22 11:00
lerrcp A2-564
muller M5-810
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: penard-louis-1819-12-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Charles Perez
1873-05-19 00:55:17
g55 09-209
lerrcp A2-2838
Fix date
Issue unique id: perez-charles-1873-05-19--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1873-05-19 01:00
A2: 1873-05-19 00:55:17
Charles Périer
1836-03-20 08:00
lerrcp A2-565
muller M5-811
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: perier-charles-1836-03-20--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Simon Perillat
1930-12-05 03:00
ertel ES-3221
g55 03-543
lerrcp A1-661
Fix date
Issue unique id: perillat-simon-1930-12-05--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1930-12-09 03:00
A1: 1930-12-05 03:00
Jacques Perrier
1924-11-22 06:00
cfepp CF-215
ertel ES-3226
g55 03-68
lerrcp A1-549
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrier-jacques-1924-10-12--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1924-10-12 07:00 for g5 ES-3226
1924-11-22 06:00 for CFEPP 215
Jacques Perrier
1924-11-22 06:00
cfepp CF-215
ertel ES-3226
g55 03-68
lerrcp A1-549
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrier-jacques-1924-10-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1924-10-12 07:00 for g5 ES-3226
1924-11-22 06:00 for CFEPP 215
Jacques Perrier
1924-11-22 06:00
cfepp CF-215
ertel ES-3226
g55 03-68
lerrcp A1-549
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrier-jacques-1924-11-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1924-10-12 07:00
A1: 1924-11-22 06:00
Marcel Perrin
1908-03-17 07:00
cfepp CF-676
ertel ES-3229
lerrcp A1-94
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrin-marcel-1908-03-17--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1908-03-17 06:50:40 for g5 ES-3229
1908-03-17 06:51 for CFEPP 676
Maurice Perrin
1826-04-13 14:00
g55 01-436
lerrcp A2-569
muller M5-816
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrin-maurice-1826-04-13--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1826-04-14 09:00
A2: 1826-04-13 14:00
Maurice Perrin
1826-04-13 14:00
g55 01-436
lerrcp A2-569
muller M5-816
Fix date
Issue unique id: perrin-maurice-1826-04-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because Müller and Gauquelin birth days differ
1826-04-14 for Gauquelin A2-569
1826-04-13 for Müller M5-816
Ferdinand Pertus
1883-11-03 14:56:39
g55 05-791
lerrcp A4-870
Fix date
Issue unique id: pertus-ferdinand-1883-11-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1883-11-03 15:00
A4: 1883-11-03 14:56:39
Charles Peter
1824-11-05 10:00
lerrcp A2-572
muller M5-819
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: peter-charles-1824-11-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
René Petit
1899-10-08 02:00
cfepp CF-534
ertel ES-3246
g55 03-274
lerrcp A1-1357
Fix date
Issue unique id: petit-rene-1899-10-08--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1899-10-08 09:30 for g5 ES-3246
1899-10-08 02:00 for CFEPP 534
René Petit
1899-10-08 02:00
cfepp CF-534
ertel ES-3246
g55 03-274
lerrcp A1-1357
Fix date
Issue unique id: petit-rene-1899-10-08--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1899-10-08 09:30
A1: 1899-10-08 02:00
René Petit
1899-10-08 02:00
cfepp CF-534
ertel ES-3246
g55 03-274
lerrcp A1-1357
Fix date
Issue unique id: petit-rene-1899-10-08--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-10-08 09:20:40 for g5 ES-3246
1899-10-08 01:51 for CFEPP 534
Auguste Pettit
1869-03-10 03:00
lerrcp A2-574
muller M5-822
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: pettit-auguste-1869-03-10--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Alfred Picard
1844-12-21 14:00
g55 09-217
lerrcp A2-2849
Fix date
Issue unique id: picard-alfred-1844-12-21--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because E3 and other Gauquelin file differ
1844-12-21 02:00 for Gauquelin E3
1844-12-21 14:00 for other Gauquelin file
Jules Pichon
1877-10-31 09:44:53
g55 04-524
lerrcp A3-873
Fix date
Issue unique id: pichon-jules-1877-10-31--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1877-10-31 09:45
A3: 1877-10-31 09:44:53
Hermann Pidoux
1808-10-02 04:00
g55 01-444
lerrcp A2-579
muller M5-826
Fix date
Issue unique id: pidoux-hermann-1808-10-02--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1808-10-02 .14:00
A2: 1808-10-02 04:00
Luigi Pietrobono
muller M1-100-352
Italian writers
Issue unique id: pietrobono-luigi-1863-12-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Pierre Pinoy
1873-02-03 21:00
lerrcp A2-584
muller M5-835
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: pinoy-pierre-1873-02-03--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Stefano Pirandello
muller M1-100-354
Italian writers
Issue unique id: pirandello-stefano-1895-06-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Aimé Pissis
1812-05-17 13:58
g55 09-219
lerrcp A2-2852
Fix date
Issue unique id: pissis-aime-1812-05-17--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1872-05-17 14:00
A2: 1812-05-17 13:58
Roger Piteu
1899-05-14 10:00
cfepp CF-928
cpara CP-348
ertel ES-3312
lerrcp A1-1968
Fix date
Issue unique id: piteu-roger-1899-05-14--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1899-05-14 06:50:40 for g5 ES-3312
1899-05-14 09:51 for CFEPP 928
Roger Piteu
1899-05-14 10:00
cfepp CF-928
cpara CP-348
ertel ES-3312
lerrcp A1-1968
Fix date
Issue unique id: piteu-roger-1899-05-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1899-05-14 07:00 for g5 ES-3312
1899-05-14 10:00 for CFEPP 928
Martin Plaa
1901-03-12 11:00
cfepp CF-1041
ertel ES-3316
g55 03-457
lerrcp A1-2071
Fix date
Issue unique id: plaa-martin-1901-03-12--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1901-03-12 10:50:40 for g5 ES-3316
1901-03-12 10:51 for CFEPP 1041
Emile Pladner
1906-09-02 06:00
cfepp CF-254
cpara CP-349
ertel ES-3317
g55 03-101
lerrcp A1-666
Fix date
Issue unique id: pladner-emile-1906-09-02--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1906-09-02 05:50:40 for g5 ES-3317
1906-09-02 05:51 for CFEPP 254
Antoine Plassan
1817-07-29 04:55:17
g55 05-209
lerrcp A4-894
Fix date
Issue unique id: plassan-antoine-1817-07-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1817-07-29 05:00
A4: 1817-07-29 04:55:17
Emile Poilve
1903-09-22 22:00
cfepp CF-666
cpara CP-350
ertel ES-3331
g55 03-330
lerrcp A1-1751
Fix date
Issue unique id: poilve-emile-1903-09-22--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1903-09-22 21:50:40 for g5 ES-3331
1903-09-22 21:51 for CFEPP 666
Robert Poirier
1942-05-16 16:00
cfepp CF-116
ertel ES-3332
Fix date
Issue unique id: poirier-robert-1942-06-16--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1942-06-16 for g5 ES-3332
1942-05-16 16:00 for CFEPP 116
Albert Policard
1881-01-15 01:00
lerrcp A2-593
muller M5-844
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: policard-albert-1881-01-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Auguste Pomel
1821-09-20 12:50
g55 09-222
lerrcp A2-2856
Fix date
Issue unique id: pomel-auguste-1821-09-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1821-09-20 13:00
A2: 1821-09-20 12:50
Charles Porak
1845-05-09 01:00
lerrcp A2-596
muller M5-848
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: porak-charles-1845-05-09--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Emanuele Portal
muller M1-100-359
Italian writers
Issue unique id: portal-emanuele-1874-12-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Arno Müller couldn't obtain birth time. Check if birth certificate with birth time can be found.
Gabriel Pouchet
1851-08-11 21:00
lerrcp A2-598
muller M5-853
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: pouchet-gabriel-1851-08-11--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Marie Prax
1864-05-29 18:55:34
g55 04-528
lerrcp A3-885
Fix date
Issue unique id: prax-marie-1864-05-29--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1864-05-29 19:00
A3: 1864-05-29 18:55:34
Jean Prevost
1919-09-30 23:30
ertel ES-3374
g55 03-278
lerrcp A1-1363
Fix date
Issue unique id: prevost-jean-1918-09-30--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1918-09-30 23:30
A1: 1919-09-30 23:30
Guy Prigent
1929-05-31 01:25
ertel ES-3376
g55 03-548
lerrcp A1-669
Fix date
Issue unique id: prigent-guy-1929-05-31--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A1 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1929-05-31 14:25
A1: 1929-05-31 01:25
René Prioux
1879-04-11 01:55:17
g55 04-529
lerrcp A3-888
Fix date
Issue unique id: prioux-rene-1879-04-11--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A3 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1879-04-11 02:00
A3: 1879-04-11 01:55:17
Louis Puech
1894-12-04 21:00
cfepp CF-933
ertel ES-3397
g55 03-411
lerrcp A1-1974
Fix date
Issue unique id: puech-louis-1894-12-04--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1894-12-04 20:50:40 for g5 ES-3397
1894-12-04 20:51 for CFEPP 933
Marcel Puget
1949-09-28 18:15
cfepp CF-934
ertel ES-3398
lerrcp A1-1975
Fix date
Issue unique id: puget-marcel-1940-09-28--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1940-09-28 17:15:00 for g5 ES-3398
1949-09-28 17:15 for CFEPP 934
Marcel Puget
1949-09-28 18:15
cfepp CF-934
ertel ES-3398
lerrcp A1-1975
Fix date
Issue unique id: puget-marcel-1940-09-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1940-09-28 18:15 for g5 ES-3398
1949-09-28 18:15 for CFEPP 934
Bernard Quentin
1923-06-22 09:00
g55 05-825
lerrcp A4-920
Fix date
Issue unique id: quentin-bernard-1923-06-22--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1923-06-02 09:00
A4: 1923-06-22 09:00
Alfred Quesnay
1830-04-02 04:16:49
g55 05-826
lerrcp A4-921
Fix date
Issue unique id: quesnay-alfred-1830-04-02--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1830-04-02 04:15
A4: 1830-04-02 04:16:49
Charles Quinquaud
1841-12-26 18:00
g55 01-463
lerrcp A2-608
muller M5-866
Fix date
Issue unique id: quinquaud-charles-1841-12-26--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1841-12-26 22:00
A2: 1841-12-26 18:00
Claude Raffy
1945-01-02 03:30
cfepp CF-696
cpara CP-358
ertel ES-3422
lerrcp A1-1775
Fix date
Issue unique id: raffy-claude-1945-01-02--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1945-01-02 02:00:00 for g5 ES-3422
1945-01-02 02:30 for CFEPP 696
Claude Raffy
1945-01-02 03:30
cfepp CF-696
cpara CP-358
ertel ES-3422
lerrcp A1-1775
Fix date
Issue unique id: raffy-claude-1945-01-02--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1945-01-02 03:00 for g5 ES-3422
1945-01-02 03:30 for CFEPP 696
Pierre Ramadier
1902-05-22 23:00
cfepp CF-119
cpara CP-359
ertel ES-3425
g55 03-24
lerrcp A1-68
Fix date
Issue unique id: ramadier-pierre-1902-05-22--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1902-05-22 22:50:40 for g5 ES-3425
1902-05-22 22:51 for CFEPP 119
Roger Ramis
1902-03-29 17:00
cfepp CF-936
cpara CP-360
ertel ES-3430
g55 03-413
lerrcp A1-1978
Fix date
Issue unique id: ramis-roger-1902-03-29--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1902-03-29 16:50:40 for g5 ES-3430
1902-03-29 16:51 for CFEPP 936
Edme Rathery
1877-06-17 20:00
lerrcp A2-614
muller M5-875
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: rathery-edme-1877-06-17--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Daniel Ravel
1915-03-03 01:00
g55 05-216
lerrcp A4-934
Fix date
Issue unique id: ravel-daniel-1915-03-03--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1915-03-03 14:00
A4: 1915-03-03 01:00
Georges Rayet
1839-12-12 07:55:17
g55 09-228
lerrcp A2-2867
Fix date
Issue unique id: rayet-georges-1839-12-12--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A2 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1839-12-12 08:00
A2: 1839-12-12 07:55:17
André Raynaud
1904-11-10 01:00
cfepp CF-360
cpara CP-363
ertel ES-3448
g55 03-186
lerrcp A1-870
Fix date
Issue unique id: raynaud-andre-1904-11-10--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1904-11-10 00:50:40 for g5 ES-3448
1904-11-10 00:51 for CFEPP 360
Odilon Redon
1840-04-20 09:55:17
g55 05-218
lerrcp A4-940
Fix date
Issue unique id: redon-odilon-1840-04-20--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1840-04-20 10:00
A4: 1840-04-20 09:55:17
Jules Regnaud
1820-11-26 23:00
lerrcp A2-622
muller M5-885
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: regnaud-jules-1820-11-26--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Alfred Reilinger
1900-11-15 01:00
lerrcp A3-902
Fix date
Issue unique id: reilinger-alfred-1900-11-15--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because E1 and other Gauquelin file differ
1900-11-15 02:00 for Gauquelin E1
for other Gauquelin file
Henri Rendu
1844-07-24 03:00
lerrcp A2-627
muller M5-892
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: rendu-henri-1844-07-24--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Louis Renon
1863-10-22 12:00
lerrcp A2-628
muller M5-893
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: renon-louis-1863-10-22--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Marie Reol
1880-01-15 23:33:03
g55 05-844
lerrcp A4-948
Fix date
Issue unique id: reol-marie-1880-01-15--date-g55
Issue type:
Check birth date because LERRCP A4 and Gauquelin 1955 birth dates differ
G 1955: 1880-01-15 23:30
A4: 1880-01-15 23:33:03
Hervé Revelli
1946-05-05 19:00
cfepp CF-543
ertel ES-3480
lerrcp D6-338
Fix date
Issue unique id: revelli-herve-1946-10-05--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1946-10-05 19:00 for g5 ES-3480
1946-05-05 19:00 for CFEPP 543
Paul Reynier
1851-06-28 14:30
lerrcp A2-632
muller M5-898
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: reynier-paul-1851-06-28--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris
Roger Rey
1931-04-09 18:00
cfepp CF-777
cpara CP-365
ertel ES-3485
lerrcp A1-1981
Fix date
Issue unique id: rey-roger-1931-04-19--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1931-04-19 17:00 for g5 ES-3485
1931-04-09 18:00 for CFEPP 777
Roger Rey
1931-04-09 18:00
cfepp CF-777
cpara CP-365
ertel ES-3485
lerrcp A1-1981
Fix date
Issue unique id: rey-roger-1931-04-19--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates differDate
1931-04-19 18:00 for g5 ES-3485
1931-04-09 18:00 for CFEPP 777
Eugène Ribere
1902-06-14 05:00
cfepp CF-939
cpara CP-366
ertel ES-3487
lerrcp A1-1982
Fix date
Issue unique id: ribere-eugene-1902-06-14--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1902-06-14 04:50:40 for g5 ES-3487
1902-06-14 04:51 for CFEPP 939
Maurice Richard
1910-07-23 12:00
cfepp CF-362
ertel ES-3494
lerrcp A1-873
Fix date
Issue unique id: richard-maurice-1910-07-23--tzo
Issue type: Timezone offset (Universal Time computation) problem
Check birth date because CFEPP and g5 birth dates UT differ
Date UT
1910-07-23 11:50:40 for g5 ES-3494
1910-07-23 11:51 for CFEPP 362
Louis Richelot
1844-11-14 19:30
lerrcp A2-634
muller M5-900
Arno Müller's physicians from Paris
Issue unique id: richelot-louis-1844-11-14--date
Issue type: Date or time problem
Birth date needs to be checked because Arno Müller coulndn't verify births in Paris