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Charles Hermite

Verified data

Charles Hermite
Gender M
Official name
Family Hermite
Given Charles
Date 1822-12-24 10:00
Date UTC 1822-12-24 09:35:16
Timezone offset +00:26:52
Place Dieuze
Country France
Admin level 2 57
Longitude 6.7178
Latitude 48.81263
Geonames ID 3021392
Historical groups
Open Gauquelin Database hermite-charles-1822-12-24
Gauquelin A2-2736
Wikidata Q168401

Birth certificate

Original birth certificate

Transcription of birth certificate

Official family name Hermite
Official given name Charles
Birth date 1822-12-24 10:00
Birth place Dieuze

Information source

Type Birth certificate
Name Document 9NUM/180EC2 Naissances, mariages, décès. ( 1819-1828 )
Place Dieuze , 57
Internet availability
Page 192 / 551
The birth time corresponds to the time given by Gauquelin, but this act is surprising:
As birth time, it mentions "né à l'instant" (= born right now). In general, birth time
and time of declaration of the birth are different.

History of this document

  • 2023-05-14, Thierry Graff: Locate the act and add to

Successive commands issued with Gauquelin5 program to build this person, and corresponding retained values.

Command: gauq A2 tmp2db

Information source CURA5 file A2
Execution date 2024-02-25T18:28:31+00:00
Raw data:
YEA 1822
MON 12
DAY 24
NUM 2736
H 9
MN 35
SEC 16
TZ 0
LAT 49N 7
LON 6E11
COD 57
New values:
{ "birth": { "date": "1822-12-24 10:00", "date-ut": "1822-12-24 09:35:16", "place": { "c2": "57", "cy": "FR", "geoid": 3021392, "lat": 48.81263, "lg": 6.7178, "name": "Dieuze" }, "tzo": "+00:26:52" }, "ids-in-sources": { "a2": "2736" }, "name": { "family": "Hermite", "given": "Charles" }, "occus": [ "scientist" ], "partial_ids": { "lerrcp": "A2-2736" }, "trust": 5 }

Command: wiki bc add hermite-charles-1822-12-24

Information source Birth certificate
Execution date 2024-02-25T18:34:39+00:00
Raw data:
{ "url": "See Birth certificate transcription" }
New values:
{ "birth": { "date": "1822-12-24 10:00", "place": { "c2": "57", "cy": "FR", "name": "Dieuze" } }, "ids-in-sources": { "wd": "Q168401" }, "name": { "official": { "family": "Hermite", "given": "Charles" } }, "occus": [ "mathematician" ], "partial-ids": { "wd": "Q168401" }, "sex": "M" }