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Sophie Germain

Sophie Germain
Gender F
Official name
Family Germain
Given Marie Sophie
Date 1776-04-01
Place Paris
Country France
Admin level 2 75
Open Gauquelin Database germain-sophie-1776-04-01
Wikidata Q7103
Information sources

Birth certificate

Original birth certificate
Original birth certificate
Original birth certificate

Transcription of birth certificate

Official family name Germain
Official given name Marie Sophie
Birth date 1776-04-01
Birth place Paris

Information source

Type Birth certificate
Name Actes de l'état civil reconstitué, registre 5Mi1 51
Place Paris , 75
Internet availability
Page 8, 9, 10 / 51
Direct link to the document doesn't seem to work.
To find this act, go to "Archives de Paris, Actes de l'état civil reconstitué (naissances et mariages)"
In the form : "Type d'acte" : Naissances ; "Date de l'acte" : 01/04/1776
On the result page, click on document "5Mi1 51"

History of this document

  • 2021-05-16, Thierry Graff: Locate and transcibe the act
  • 2023-01-27, Thierry Graff: Add to
  • 2023-05-01, Thierry Graff: Change trust level to 4 "other document"

Successive commands issued with Gauquelin5 program to build this person, and corresponding retained values.

Command: wiki bc add germain-sophie-1776-04-01

Information source Birth certificate
Execution date 2024-02-25T18:34:39+00:00
Raw data:
{ "url": "See Birth certificate transcription" }
New values:
{ "birth": { "date": "1776-04-01", "notime": true, "place": { "c2": "75", "cy": "FR", "name": "Paris" } }, "ids-in-sources": { "wd": "Q7103" }, "name": { "family": "Germain", "given": "Sophie", "official": { "family": "Germain", "given": "Marie Sophie" } }, "occus": [ "mathematician" ], "partial-ids": { "wd": "Q7103" }, "sex": "F", "trust": "4" }