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Emma Calvé

Verified data

Emma Calvé
Official name
Family Calvet
Given Rosa Noémie Emma
Date 1858-08-15 11:00
Place Decazeville
Country France
Admin level 2 12
Open Gauquelin Database calve-emma-1858-08-15
Wikidata Q452065
Information sources

Birth certificate

Original birth certificate

Transcription of birth certificate

Official family name Calvet
Official given name Rosa Noémie Emma
Birth date 1858-08-15 11:00
Birth place Decazeville

Information source

Type Birth certificate
Name 4E77-6 - 4E77-6 DECAZEVILLE N 1858/1858 - (23/05/1858 - 20/09/1858)
Place Decazeville , 12
Internet availability
Page 29 / 40
Act number 263

History of this document

  • 2023-05-13, Thierry Graff: Locate the act and add to

Successive commands issued with Gauquelin5 program to build this person, and corresponding retained values.

Command: wiki bc add calve-emma-1858-08-15

Information source Birth certificate
Execution date 2024-02-25T18:34:39+00:00
Raw data:
{ "url": "See Birth certificate transcription" }
New values:
{ "birth": { "date": "1858-08-15 11:00", "place": { "c2": "12", "cy": "FR", "name": "Decazeville" } }, "ids-in-sources": { "wd": "Q452065" }, "name": { "fame": { "family": "Calvé", "given": "Emma" }, "official": { "family": "Calvet", "given": "Rosa Noémie Emma" } }, "occus": [ "opera-singer" ], "partial-ids": { "wd": "Q452065" }, "sex": null }