Louis Andlauer
Louis Andlauer
Trust level :
Birth | |
Date | 1876-09-07 16:00 |
Date UTC | 1876-09-07 16:01:28 |
Timezone offset | +00:00:56 |
Place | Honfleur |
Country | France |
Admin level 2 | 14 |
Longitude | 0.23294 |
Latitude | 49.41985 |
Geonames ID | 3013173 |
Historical groups |
Open Gauquelin Database | andlauer-louis-1876-09-07 |
Gauquelin | A4-1491 |
Information sources
Successive commands issued with Gauquelin5 program to build this person, and corresponding retained values.
Command: gauq A4 tmp2db
Information source | CURA5 file A4 |
Execution date | 2024-02-25T18:28:46+00:00 |
Raw data:
YEA | 1876 |
MON | 9 |
DAY | 7 |
PRO | M |
NUM | 1491 |
COU | F |
H | 16 |
MN | 1 |
SEC | 28 |
TZ | 0 |
LAT | 49N11 |
LON | 0W22 |
COD | 14 |
New values:
{ "birth": { "date": "1876-09-07 16:00", "date-ut": "1876-09-07 16:01:28", "place": { "c2": "14", "cy": "FR", "geoid": 3013173, "lat": 49.41985, "lg": 0.23294, "name": "Honfleur" }, "tzo": "+00:00:56" }, "ids-in-sources": { "a4": "1491" }, "name": { "family": "Andlauer", "given": "Louis" }, "occus": [ "musician" ], "partial_ids": { "lerrcp": "A4-1491" }, "trust": 5 } |